[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Yeah, but that was assuming they were all released. Only N’zoth was both released and had the time to get his powers back. C’thun probably would’ve been worse if we hadn’t beaten him so quickly.

Not to mention you could probably argue that N’zoth was “more deadly” considering Deathwing was (mostly) his servant, even if he was physically the weakest.

Did he really control him, though? I figured the relationship between Deathwing and N’zoth/the Old Gods was more akin to that between the Ulfric and the Thalmor in Skyrim, with the former being an asset to the latter, but not under their actual control.

Not directly as far as I can recall, but he did corrupt him. The destruction he wrought was caused by N’zoth’s influence, so I’d say it’s fair to attribute that to the old Squid God.

That’s a weird way to spell best blizzard story ever written.

I’m disappointed by N’Zoth’s end.
At least they buffed the daily quests from 75 rep to 125, I guess.

If only Mechagon wasn’t the only allied race I had left.


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Fifteen. Though apparently we will still have the option of adding more corruption resistance to it afterwards, but I’m not sure how that’ll work.

Indeed. This is a very welcome change, considering that some of the new essences are strong for many tank and DPS specs, and they’re locked behind the new reputations.

Rank 6 requires you to do one of the side areas, while rank 7 requires two side areas done. Keep in mind that you only need to complete the side area/s in order to get the upgrade item. You don’t have to kill Thrall/Alleria as well, but it is recommended, as you will get gear and a lot of mementos if you kill them as well.

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I wamted to share this:

They finally implemented the old 8.1 victory cinematic/whatever to Darkshore!


They said it’ll work like WoD rings and Argus trinkets. Slow, constant progression. The ilvl caps out at 500, though, IIRC.


Imagine if they released the super-praised WotLK today.

“this old god doesnt even get his own raid, this is just a titan raid and he’s a side boss???”
“where’s my questline, I dont even know why we’re fighting malygos???”
[kamehameha memes about tirion]
“they’re just reusing bosses now, must be out of time [TotGC]”
“its SO unfair that only a few classes get legendaries, do U KNOW what this does to arena balance???”

Think about it. Think about past expansions and how positively they’ve been met, with fewer nitpicks and complaints the further back you go. N’zoth got the best deal out of all the Old Gods. He got a patch, a zone, dailies, got tied in the main story, and is probably not really dead. Meanwhile Yogg “god of death” Saron barely gets his own model and is just a distraction from the adolescent prince boy gone angsty.


This one don’t really work, since there’s chains regarding Malygos in Borean Tundra and Dragonblight.

Otherwise I agree with ya. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wish to do battle with his post. Not necessarily because I disagree with you, but I do disagree with most of your examples.

I will visit my master and learn the final techniques that have been hidden from me before engaging you.

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Players did complain about Wrath to no end when it was current content.

“Why is Malygos suddenly evil now? Another victim of the ‘went crazy and became a raid boss’ curse.”
“Why is the Lich King so incompetent? It’s like ‘I’ll get you next time, Gadget, next time’. And does he really have to appear in every zone.”
“How did they manage to host the Argent Tournament in Icecrown?”
“Why are the Horde and the Alliance fighting each other even as they assault Icecrown Citadel? This story makes no sense.”

And so on and so forth. Varian was maligned. Garrosh was maligned. And yes, TOTC was criticized for being a low-effort raid using recycled models. Also, casual players complained about itemization being too confusing, hardcore players complained about welfare epics, especially from 3.2 onwards, and so on.


WotLK was not as loved at the time as it is now. Same as most expansions.

Will never forget the :poop: storm that was them killing off Anub’arak, iconic WC3 hero in a mid level dungeon. After the backlash they had to bring him back for world’s worst raid, TotC.


That is very true, yeah. My examples really were from things I remember/have heard of in general (no matter how much you disagree with them Akamito!!). However the total outrage culture that current expansions face is nowhere near comparable with past expansions.

Criticisms/outrage has always been there, but nowadays (I feel, personally) it’s taken to a ludicrous degree.

edit: actually, to phrase it better: WotLK will (has?) go down as one of the most memorable/good expansions despite facing harsh criticisms at the time. BfA, probably, won’t.

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BfA will make us look back on WoD fondly.

The first raid tier got significant flack for being a rehash of naxx, with only two new bosses (Maly and Sarth)

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To be fair, WotLK had a lot of redeeming qualities. Which redeeming qualities does BfA have?

Regarding the story, the only part of BfA I personally liked was the Horde Zandalar storyline.

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