[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Didn’t Kill all 3, Ours survived, where is yours again? oh yeah, at the bottom of the ocean.

Again, You’re welcome.

You seem to have a great love for the Aqir, Moridy, I’d hate to see your browser history

RP Character Idea: DK Coroner whose constantly searching for promising recruits to further the cause and is always disappointed when he finds out Azeroth’s newest victim died in a freak skiing accident or from an allergic reaction to bee stings.


That saddle is indeed pretty cool.

Which is why I said they make more sense then most Allied Races Death Knights?

We saw them doing in Legion because, I assume, it was easier to randomly raise bodies on the Broken Front then anywhere else.

I doubt they went and travelled to Pandaria to go to their graveyards to raise Pandaren Death Knights.

I suppose Mechanagon Gnome’s Death Knights would be fine to? They never went outside their island; but the Ebon Blade, nor the LichKing, back then discriminated so everything can be a Death Knight.

Lightforged Death Knights when? I mean, nobody told us the Draenei didn’t know how to make Lightforged Draenei; so for all we know they were already around during TBC.

The only reason the 1 Zandalari Empire survived was because the Night Elf leader was tired of war and had other hobbies to pursue. the other 2 Empires were all but annihilated. And at the bottom of the ocean… Sure. Up until Cata; The kaldorei lands included northern and Western Kalimdor… What did the Troll have? Like 3 cities and infighting? And up until only this expansion the Zandalari were everybodies enemies…

And you seem to have a great love for Trolls. I’d hate to see your camera history…

This brings me great joy.

Everyone already knows I got a tight bod, it’s why they put me on Azeroth weekly.

To be honest, who wouldn’t take picks if they were this stunning, Check mate atheists.


Damnit man, do they know the dress makes you bod stand out even more!? Sounds like an unfair competition to me! D:<


I’m sorry, Moridy, mate. But the Aqir just couldn’t match these chiseled abs.

Again, Azeroth, You’re welcome that the Loa of Gains blessed you with me.

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Elunedamn seems like it. Does this Loa of Gains has a name; we Night Elves could use a Wild-God like it to worship alongside most Trolls currently. Since both Trolls and Night Elves are Blizzards scapegoat to make other factions/races look cool D:<

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I’m literally going to burst an artery in a fit of rage if we actually manage to defeat N’Zoth.

A fully powered, released Old God.

I know the text has already been leaked and it supposedly claims he’s defeated…
But. Just HOW are we going to even come close to putting a dent in him? Both Horde and Alliance forces are completely SPENT. There should be barely anything left regarding military. A lot of the “hero” characters don’t even come close to N’Zoth power lore-wise. So many wars and events have happened. Burning Legion happened. Scourge happened. Then Cataclysm, all the events in MoP and then the Burning Legion happened again. Our legendary artifacts we got in Legion to deal with the Burning Legion are all meaningless now. Just HOW do we have anything left? Lordaeron is literally a ruined ruin, Teldrassil is now an extra crispy Teldrassil. Alliance is divided and the Horde is in shambles. So I guess our characters, which on an OOC level and game point of view are Titan killers, will now also become Old God slayers.

And as much as I like dwarves, I really hope they’re not going to meme on N’Zoth with Magni and his “och laddae we must heal tae woons” and then poof N’Zoth is defeated with ye olde Titan construct nonsense.

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Because the player character/s is a monstrous mary sue who literally cannot be defeated. Anything that gets close is promptly unmade by the power of plot. It is simple law.

Either we beat N’zoth, or we lose only to have Wrathion strike at the Exposed Weak Point™ while Anduin gets us all back up.


Blizz promised us we’d see the Bilgewater cannon fire before the end of this expansion!


It’s a bit simplified but that piece never convinced me at all. It seems yet another attempt to tell (not show) that deep down inside the orcs are good but misguided. However it contrasts with just too much of Blizzard’s narration and conveniently ignores Blizzard’s own portrayal of the clans’ leaders as violent and ruthless people.

The orcs are warriors before being spiritual people. The idea that the orcs “retaliated” against the draenei out of deception is fine, but it seems to underplay the traits that would define -all- the main orcish characters during the second war (minus the Frostwolves).

The orcs are told to have this spiritual vein, yes, but [too often] we don’t see it. Take Garrosh’s story, where he meets his father. We clearly see that the Warsong clan wants violence above all and the shamans’s authority is more formal than substantial.

In the end orcish spirituality is always this huge thing on paper but in practice it has been downplayed over and over everytime.

That very short story suggests that Gul’dan’s schemes weren’t necessary for the Warsong (or most orcs, really) to take up arms against the Draenei as they were all to eager to wage war and kill stuff for the sake of killing (ie. Grommash is all fine and dandy when Garrosh speaks of genociding the draenei, despite having no problems with them).

The problem with the orcs is that, with very few exceptions such as with the frostwolf clan, their violent impulses triumph over any other value they hold.

And this leads to the second problem with the orcs: lack of responsibility. They want freedom but don’t want to take into account the costs that come with it.

Why I complain about it? Because it’s tiring to have always the same story: Horde does an awful thing, Alliance punishes, internal conflict arises, Horde says I’m sorry, Alliance forgives. Things have to change. I would like to see the exceptions like Thrall or Saurfang become the rule. I want to see the Horde grow and learn from past mistakes, not have them act as a group of low key villains and have the Alliance let them get away everytime

That’s honestly a damn good point.
Let’s beat him with the power of love then.

But honestly I think it will be conveniently forgotten or we’ll see the neutral factions actually do something.

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Gazlowe is indeed confirmed as the new Goblin leader due to Gallywix seems to have fled and likely remains loyal to Sylvanas still.


Since we’ve been ignoring the Vindicaar all expansion, I think we should bring it back for this. Open up straight onto N’zoth’s face and split it in two like C’thulhu in the original short story. It wouldn’t be the first time we nuke a Void deity with orbital bombardement in a Blizzard game - it’s how we (hilariously) destroy Amon’s physical avatar in Legacy of the Void.

It wouldn’t kill N’zoth obviously, but it seems like a pretty good way to weaken him before we beat him senseless and then, presumably, do some Heart of Azeroth stuff to him that finally makes him dead for good.

Honestly, any explanation for how we can kill him that isn’t just “We hit him REALLY HARD with our swords” would be nice.

I will say this for Gallywix: At least they know how to write him in-character. He’s the only one who’s gotten all the way through BFA without being twisted to suit the story’s needs.

My point was that goblins, like dwarves and humans aren’t worth mentioning. They’re just too wide spread. So their stories for being a DK will be perfectly logical.

Imagine if this was the vulpera racial mount. Imagine Orgrimmar full of anthropomorphic desert foxes on the back of these fluffy buggers, prancing around in circles.

while singing.

Dolly and Dot are my best friends!



I don’t think WoWHead has mentioned it yet, but the vulpera and mechagnome voice files also got added to the game in the latest PTR build, and the rucksack the vulpera wear was changed into a back slot, so it can be worn independent of the chest piece.