[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Pretty annoyed that we’re only now just getting to see Ra-Den return (WITH FRIENDLY MOGU) and he’s already down as a boss in Ny’alotha, very disappointing. I pray it’s more of a “knock-sense-into” fight to have him and Wrathion with us when fighting N’zoth and not an actual kill fight.


You can assume both Ra’den and Wrathion will survive this expansion.

Would be a damn wazte to get rid of Ra’den anyways! D:

Why? He fought us. Left. And now corrupted.

Who cares? He sat for millenia crying and being useless.


He didn’t leave us, right? Anyways I agree with you that he did nothing of note except crying; but I would love for the Titan Keepers(and Dragon-Aspects) to be more aloof. Right now all these supposed “powerfull” and “mysterious” beings feel more like Giant Humans instead of the proper demi-Godlike beings they supposed to be. And thats aside the fact that everything is always so easily corrupted.

So I guess my gripe isn’t just with Ra’den, but the way the Titan-Keepers are written and shown to be.

Also aside all of this: did Blizzard already decide to make the Sentinel’s Glaives available to other classes aside Demon Hunters, because it sucks I still can’t use them on my Warrior :angry:

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He teleports after we defeat him in Throne of Thunder.

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If wowpedia’s right about 8.3 then he’s literally just been sat in a mogu cave in vale since then.

“Ever since he was freed from the Throne of Thunder, Ra-den has been staying in the Silent Sanctuary within the Vale of Eternal Blossom, accompanied by a force of mogu named the Rajani.”

Lazy bum didn’t even bother helping us fight the Legion.


Tbh after having your lifeblood used for millennia as a conduit for dark fleshcrafting magic, your powers ripped out from you by a tyrant and then getting beaten down by murderhobbos you would also be sitting a few calamities out as well while you regain your strength.


Why does a demi God have to be aloof?

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Because I feel like godlike beings should have little affair in the mortal world. Sure they could rise up and fight alongside the mortals(Like the Wild-Gods during the War of the Ancients or the Trolls and their Loa)

And for those two it makes sense to be less aloof then for example the Titan Keepers, who’s sole job is making sure we don’t wreck the planet enough to stop the nascent Titan from being born D:

Like I said; I don’t like how Demi-Gods are portrayed as humanly as they are in WoW. Just how I feel about it

So they shouldn’t be?
They should have their own personalities and characteristics. Some are aloof and reclusive, others not so much. It’s fine as is.
It’s not like they come into SW bars for a chat.

I would If I was a demi-god, I’d go in there and tell mortals how disappointing they are. I’d be a sassy god.


Now here’s the real problem.

When Garrosh was defeated, Varian made it aggressively clear that if the Horde stepped out of line again the Alliance would end them for good - this was even AFTER they had just worked to defeat the Lich King, Deathwing, the Twilight’s Hammer and a demigod version of Garrosh.

In [current year], though, all of the major faction leaders are buddy-buddy after finishing off N’Zoth. Like yeah, sure, they may have just stopped a literal existence-ending threat but at the end of MoP Varian at least showed that he had a memory longer than 1 patch cycle.

At least then there was an element of one faction threatening the other. I just don’t see there being any representation of conflict outside of ‘that one NPC in [new zone added in 9.0]’ that tells you to go steal supplies from [the horde/alliance camp down the road].

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I’d like that. Do it.

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Just wait for Tyrande to bomb the Orgrimmar orphanage. Problem solved.

Why wait? :bomb:

Yea, I stated this in my first post. Its how I feel a Godlike being should be. I never stated it was the truth anyways; as Blizzard showed us that they preffer.

Akin to you.

Kind of wondering now…

Is Thrall confirmed to be the leader of the Orcs again? I don’t see anybody else that can fill the role besides maybe Eitrigg.

Probably. Guess he’s skipping out on his wife+kids. What is it with WoW and deadbeat dads anyway?

I’d argue Thrall does have a loose responsibility to the Horde, or at the very least that he feels that he does since he founded it. That being said nothing prevents him from relocating his wife and kids to Orgrimmar.

To be fair; the Orcs are better of with Thrall.

Eitrigg’s whole schtick was that he was the Orc who became the reason Tirion was expelled. And during WoTLK he was nothing more then a glorified side-kick to Tirion.

Atleast Thrall got his own personality(even if it flops all over the place, in a lesser extend then Jaina’s)…
Atleast thats what I know about him D: