[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Eitrigg, Saurfang and Orgrim were Blackhand’s lieutenants. When Orgrim deposed Blackhand, Saurfang became Orgrim’s forward commander and Eitrigg his handler of the Shadow Council affairs – most notably handling Garona.

One by one the Blackrock All-Stars fade away…

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Do not utter this cursed name again, lest she becomes a major character in the next expansion…

Garona Garona Garona

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Med’an Med’an Med’an

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Med’an was really powerful writing :blush:


Garona more like doesn’tdoanything-ona.

Why was she even brought back into the overall story is beyond me.

Conscripted sure, but did nothing in the end. Valeera had more relevance to the story in very few screenings than Garona in the entire expansion.

Not every character can be given screentime, there’s only so much “narrative”.

But Garona and Voss definitely feel like they dropped an Uncrowned plotpoint they had planned.

Yeah it feels that way. Voss is a bit more iffy with how they went about it but that’s just me.

If anything, I would have preferred to see Garona brought back in the plot as one who hunts the cultists of N’zoth as she did in Chronicles. Perhaps being ahead of that curve, who knows being a middlewoman for us and Wrathion.

Ohhh I didn’t know that!

Which makes it even worse that Tirion spared him. Should’ve bashed that mongrel’s head in for all he had done! D:< :stuck_out_tongue:

Lillian Voss: Yes, I’m with the Uncrowned. We have plans…

Two weeks later

Lillian Voss: I serve Sylvanas and the Horde, I’ll work to have others raised… The Un-who, sorry?


And there is that questline with Baine showing up in Highmountain they dropped. I mean all 4 characters(Baine, Mayla, Garona and Voss) could’ve used a quest(line) to flesh out their characters more before (re-)introducing them to the Horde as Horde-aligned characters.

But then again; Blizzard never really succeeded in fleshing out new Horde characters. They rather rely on the old cast.(The only one they ever truely succeeded in is Garrosh)…

P.S; Don’t hit me; I’m not that into Horde-lore! D:<

The Uncrowned are a Peeve.

Bunch of criminals who somehow, in some way managed to get over their personal egos and used their individual achievements to say they collectively did it.

That they had a hand in every political matter and shift, an ear everywhere and that literally the only requirement is to have a token which could very much had been dropped, stolen or taken from one’s dead hand.

Ooops lost myself in the rant. Point being, they brag about how great their accomplishments were but for me the player, they’re nobodies. Call yourself awesome sure, but to me you have nothing to show, thus not enclined to believe.


At least BfA gave even more of a reason for NElves to sign up with the Defias like they were in Legion :slight_smile:

I think you misunderstand. Eitrigg was containing the Shadow Council, especially Garona. The Shadow Council got stomped hard under Orgrim’s leadership.

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Unironically bring back the Defias.

Another economic drought for SW while Anduin builds himself a statue.

Defias premium now accepting unsatisfied Black Moon soldiers against the human rule.

I’m still 90% sure Lilian and Garona only mentioned the uncrowned because people were asking why the heck they were serving Sylvanas/the Horde, so some intern wrote an excuse in their dialogue during the beta to handwave the issue away.

Seems I was misunderstanding you! I thought he was actually leading the Shadow Council for Orgrim! My bad! D:

Oh, no. Orgrim hated the Shadow Council for selling out their race.

Oh, seems I confused him with… Blackhand then? :open_mouth: The one who ordered the creation of the Death Knights, etc?