[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

I’ll cut you.

I’m still mad they made her a follower in Legion.

Imagine if the peace they’re talking is just in name… But they’re gonna happily ignore Talanji, Tyrande and Genn.

The war won’t ever be finished. It’s just gonna be a bubble plot.

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When was she right?

Anduin didn’t share it with the Horde.

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They didn’t ask.

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Why would he if they didn’t share it with him to begin with? What incentive did he have to approach them when Sylvanas had betrayed the Alliance already?

It’s up to the Horde to make the gesture of goodwill at that stage. Sylvanas just demonstrated that she’s evil and the Horde leaders remain incredibly stupid for ever listening to her instead of turning her into a wet stain on Baine’s mace.


Coughs Genn, Stormheim, Coughs

Broken Shore.

cough Garrosh cough

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Which was prior to Stormheim. So it’s perfectly balanced now.

You mean not staying to die for no gain? K.

Uh because he was trying to set up the Gathering and showing you have good intentions is generally a good way to do so?

Of course, it turned out that he was happy to undermine his own efforts but oh well.

Anduin knew and accepted that Sylvanas wasn’t responsible for this. His magic bones told him so after Baine testified for her (not to mention Mathias Shaw being replaced by a Dreadlord???).


Huh? So he already showed goodwill; by trying to set up the Gathering… But instead he should’ve just given Sylvanas all information for free, because she needs more goodwill?

Sylvanas was more then happy to undermine her own efforts to… So yea

Please staph… I can’t handle this nonsense of magical spider-bones anymore ;-;

That’s the point, yes. Genn’s actions in Stormheim were motivated by the betrayal at Broken Shore.

Considering that Genn let Sylvanas live at the end of Stormheim, I’d say she’s in his debt, if anything.

Out-of-universe information does not apply to in-universe character motivations.

Still doesn’t make Stormheim intro justified in the slightest.

Pretty sure the Horde leaders were well aware that the Horde was being slaughtered at the Broken Shore, tho D:

Miss her yet?


Let’s not play this game of “who threw the rock first?”.

There’s plenty of reason why this or that in the favor of peace did or did not happen.
In the end, it’s Hollywood writing to keep a plot/game going.


Literally anything the Alliance does to kill Horde is justifiable self-defense after 40 years of genocide.

:clown_face: “but muh taurajo”

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