[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Also the different Dwarven (clans) view on the end of the Fourth War:

Dark Iron:
The Alliance an’ Horde have both suffered terribly in this war, an’ mistakes were surely made on both sides.
What matters now is how we move forward! Do we learn somethin’ from all o’ the bloodshed an’ loss, or do we keep on repeatin’ the past?

Peace with the Horde?
I’d be lyin’ if I told ye that I trust 'em after all they’ve done…
But who knows? Maybe with the Banshee Queen gone, they’ll finally be able tae live peacefully. An’ if they do go back tae their old ways, the Bronzebeard Clan will be here to put 'em in their place!

So it’s peace now, eh? After all that?
Ach, well, it’s worth a shot I guess. I can forgive… but a Wildhammer never forgets!

I do love how everyone just randomly forgot that the Horde did the exact same thing under Garrosh, so you can’t just put all the blame on the Banshee-Queen, right? RIGHT?!!?(With the obvious difference being that less people died under Garrosh and some other Horde leaders rose up against Garrosh from the start)

Also Magni is getting Fearbreaker back!
Sorry to spring that on ye, lad. But before we go, I have a favor tae ask.
Fearbreaker. Though I was honored to have it bestowed upon me, I am relieved that you have come to claim it.
I feel I was never able to live up to its legacy. Even Baine thought himself unworthy to wield it.
Nonsense, lad. I wouldna given it tae ye if ye dinnae deserve it!
No, Magni. Fearbreaker belongs in the hands of a Mountain King.
Ah, it’s good tae feel the heft of a hammer again.

Some people have said that the victory against n’zoth feels too “clean” and that it’s deliberately so, to lure people into false sense of security.

I think that’s giving blizz too much credit.

“please forget about how we slaughtered goblin and zandalari civvies using dark shamanistic magics thanks”

Is that literally the first time it’s shown up in game?

And why does the Speaker of Azeroth need a weapon anyway? :s

he has a Lightforged hammer and shield during the Antorus raid too, in the brief little side-room where he shows up.

Magni is a melee baller, even despite his current position.

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Who are you to question the Speaker? He’s above you in the Azeroth hierarchy, boy!

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Well, its said that they both made terrible mistakes… a.k.a; both slaughtered innocent civilians, destroyed a city(or cities in the Horde’s case and sacked one in the Alliance case)…

And apparently the Dark Iron do want to learn from it! :man_facepalming:

I don’t know; didn’t Anduin carry it ingame at one moment? I know Baine used it in that book about Theramore :open_mouth:

Nope, he got the mace in ‘‘The Shattering’’, and gave it to Baine in the same book. Baine returned it in the book ‘‘Tides of War.’’

Anduin has never used it in-game.

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Seems like a good trade.

Alliance gets Baine and we can replace Baine with Kiro as the more “peaceful” leader. I see this as a win win.

Kiro simply sends out Nisha to deal with the… ‘‘less peaceful’’ things.

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Thats because he’s too much of a gentleman to bother with simple riff-raff.

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That moment when the Vulpera have more prominent characters than tauren do :slight_smile:


That’s not fair! The Tauren have…

checks notes

Aponi Brightmane?


Aponi Shillmane. Dead to me after paladin order hall :nauseated_face:

Dress her up like an Alliance paladin

Kiro gathered Hyena Dung for our sins. :pray::sob:

You can’t really blame Aponi for Blizzards homogeni-something of the classes, can you? I mean freck Blizzard for doing that D:<

Also how do you guys keep forgetting the Archdruid of Thunderbluff Hamuul Runetotem.


Because he hasn’t done anything since Cataclysm.

He’s helping Magni in Silithus; as ordered by his then Warchief!!


Okay, let me rephrase -

He hasn’t done anything since Cataclysm that players see or are part of, and thus don’t matter.

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Yeah I remember when Hamuul was like “hey maybe we should share all our azerite information with the Alliance?” and Sylv told him to shut up and would Anduin share his information with the Horde? and then it turns out she was right again.

Xarantaur is our only hope. Having travelled the world learning about history and stories for 10,000 years, he’s now ready to return to his people and lead them to an enlightened future.

Magatha for Warchief.