[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

That’s one rip off from that Latin language.But an accurate one.

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I wish Blood Elves had eyes like Valeera. Not a hovering glow effect, but eyes themselves that glowed.

That’s Shandris though.

So uh… Mathias and Valeera are a thing now? I remember Mathias said he had someone in his eyes.

Also Baine stands there + Valeera? Means Horde people can now roam there freely in RP?

I think the first picture is Shandris and the second is Tyrande, no idea

This is correct!

Ohh man I can’t wait until this is official! The tears of Blood Elves will flood the forums about how all their woman are unable to resist Human Potential™ :joy:

Man next expansion we will be able to enter each other cities with exception of Daz’alar and Mt. Hyjal!

I wish all elves had it, draenei too. It’d look so much better.


Valeera was already pretty human’d. Remember how they originally planned for her to be set up with Varian in the comics?

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Might just be myself but is anyone else disappointed that Ny’alotha is just a series of phased areas “because it’s all around us,” and isn’t an actual zone like Naz’jatar or Mechagon? Excluding the raid itself, of course.

Such a tired trope.


First time I hear this…

And I don’t like it.

Can Blizzard stop making female elves dating male humans? Jesus christ they certainly are not helping that fantasy trope. There’s barely any recognizable elf couples… Or at all aside from that dude in the Chen and Li Li stories and I we’ll throw Token Lor’themar and Thalyssra or Liadrin.

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I had no idea, actually D:

I know man, I know…

It’s because Blizzard loves the self-insert trope of a human male for the player to identify with and a hawt elf gf for them to ogle




Wowpedia cites http://www.blizzplanet.com/blog/comments/2009_nycc_interview_walter_simonson_louise_simonson_on_world_of_warcraft_co but I think the video’s broken. At least it is for me.

Wowpedia trivia note says: “It was said early on that she would be physically attracted to the main human protagonist of the comic series. This idea has not been visited in the comic and Varian even refers to her as a child several times.”

Varian, of course, being the main human protagonist.

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I don’t like this either. Should’ve been LTT and LL… Not Thalyssra with LTT, stick to your own damn dying people! D:<

who can resist the chin

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And said human males is either a macho looking warrior or a Paladin.

Thank god Varian remained a faithful widow.

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It’s ridiculous how self-inserty this game is as a whole.

Aside from obvious things like literally all of the gameplay and questing, isn’t it mildly convenient that Blizzard decided that the exaggerated beauty stereotype elves go to battle in swimwear and lingerie?


Orc Grunts wear basically the same gear as Night Elf Archers in WC3. I’m inclined to think it’s more “savage” than “sexy”.

I mean, I’m not really. Blizzard is Blizzard. But it’s an optional interpretation that might feel more satisfying.

Even the damn Nelf males go to war in nothing but some man-bag around their torso and a speedo!