[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Sure, I would buy that if it wasn’t for the fact that all the other elves conveniently follow the same dress code.

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I’m confused now, aren’t Lor’themar Theron and Liadrin a thing anymore? Why was he flirting with Thalyssra now? Is he dating both? When will he be the new Sun-King? And first of the Theron Dynasty? Will he have mutant half-nightborne babies that look like night elves?

I 'member. But they dropped that because Varian was “too old” for her and started calling her girl or something. Which is pretty funny since she’s an elf and while she might be a few years younger, she’ll easily outlive him by a couple hundreds, if not thousands of years.

I liked that about him, pretty respectful of him. Though no one would blame him if he’d move on after decades of singleness. What of Blanduin had died, the line would’ve ended with him!

That hasn’t been a thing since Wrath, and even in TBC you had full body covering sets for both male and females. Except now the night elven males and females both go all sletmoggy in Darkshore and Nazmir :wink:

And as Sanara said, orcs, trolls, tauren of both genders barely wear any armor or cloth that covers them. :man_shrugging:

While there are elements of that, I think it’s made worse by how generic their main cast is. I know that how it goes because that’s how the D&D bunch is reassured and prefer something familiar but for a 15 years old game, it gets awfully stale and boring.

This trope is everywhere… I haven’t seen any fantasy world where elves aren’t bimbo wearing lingerie but pretend that it’s “For aesthetic purposes, it’s our culture” which is very weak of a justification to have females wearing very little in battle… And the male elves are just… Non existent… Or they exist but they’re wimps of sort or the old gandalf like mage.

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That is totally missing the point.


See if you can figure out the difference between those two despite both wearing very revealing clothing.


Female hasn’t been doing her sit-ups?

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I actually can’t think of any except WarCraft, and Warhammer if you count the Dark Elves and their sex-murder cult.

Usually Elves wear either ridiculously ornate gear or rugged leathers, male or female. Even in Warhammer, Wood and High Elves / Eldar are pretty gender-neutral in their dress and the women wear the same as men, except the occasional boob-plate because those tiny minis don’t have much else to distinguish them.

uhh koiffen those are both female

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Conan was the more successful movie franchise between it and Red Sonja.

I just looked up Red Sonja on wikipedia and if that first image is representative then yeah I can see why.

So… riots in Stormwind, anyone?

I was wondering about the extra padding on Conan.

also the woman on the right needs like, several showers and makes me feel like i’m caked in mud just by looking at her

woman on the left seems to have her life together and is doing what she loves, namely posing in bikini plate and holding a sword like it weighed nothing


I don’t get what you want me to say? Only less attractive, heavily muscled women are allowed to wear sltmog? That sltmog is a problem?

A scantily clad warrior female warrior is a problem but a scantily clad male warrior is not?

No, it’s just that just because two characters both wear little armour it doesn’t have to mean they’re the same. That is why comparisons of, for example, Garrosh with Sylvanas are not entirely accurate.

An example of that is what the drawing tries to show you.

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doubt it. Seems these high-profile figures were just granted brief entry, same way Anduin and Jaina and co were in Orgrimmar for a few minutes.

So what’s the distinction

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One is sexy in it and the other one isn’t.

Look, I know Sylvanas is no Garrosh …


I am not entirely convinced by the Corrupted items system yet. Like, if it just means titanforges are replaced by sidegrades, then great. But it looks like it’ll be three layers of RNG instead plus all the problems Benthic gear had.

Valeera’s model looks off.

Especially standing next to Shaw, I can’t put my finger on why.