*SPOILERS* Rant + Tyrande's fate in Shadowlands

I am not mad at Tyrande dying. It was long overdue, it needed to happen.

That said, bit disappointing that the moment her character became the least bit interesting (as opposed to annoying) with the Elune’s wrath ritual thingamajig… She’s getting canned.

Hopefully they’ll resolve that whole arc in Shadowlands. Beyond that, good riddance.

yeah your dreaming if you think the population is that one sided its nearly 50/50 split even so i dont know where people keep pulling the whole horde is larger nonsense. I’ve seen nothing that says that.

Tyrande being the leader of the nightelves is a shame.

She’s a bad character and has held back the nightelves from being an actually interesting race.

I hope they get a better leader with her death.

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The horde has 20 mins queues for BGs. The alliance queue is 3 mins. And the alliance is the pvp faction…

wait, seriously? wouldnt that say alliance is way larger then?

No mate… it doesn’t.

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care to explain how faster queues = less people? that doesnt make sense to me. Not to mention the very site that blood elf used shows alliance at 49.1% and horde 50.1% in EU as of december 2019

Ofc because horde’s half gets instantly filled, because of much bigger number of participants.


i guess that makes sense, but if the stats are to be believed the split is still nearly 50/50

If me and my four mates queue it takes Blizzard 20 minutes to find another 5 horde, and 10 alliance players.

If me and my 4 pals queue as alliance it takes 3 minutes to find 5 alliance and 10 horde. Simple as that.

Also the fact that the group finder has 2X the groups in horde makes things obvious as well.

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Random bg lasts 10-15 min, with 20 min queue time, horde has like 2.5 times more players queueing. Keep in mind alliance is not only ally players but horde mercenaries as well.

that’s pvp though. most people will tell you how incredibly unbalanced pvp is right now. And horde has the lead on racials so it gives them more incentive. I still stand by what i said. the split seems to be nearly 50/50

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If you ignore every single indicator, then yes. It is 50/50.

Absolutely false, ally horde split is like 20/80 in pretty much everything that requires grouping.

go look at the realm population for yourself and check the statistics. the very same site hinata used shows its almost dead even. if her “proof” is to be believed then so is mine.

We’ll spend a whole expansion in the land of the dead, dying doesn’t mean she won’t be featured anymore, I just hope Blizzard remembers the night elves are supposed to be a matriarchal society and doesn’t make Malfurion the racial leader of the night elves.

Source for this please. When we still had reliable data blood elf was the single most played race on the game.

Edit: Nvm, actually found recent data http://www.warcraftrealms.com/census.php?serverid=-1&factionid=-1&minlevel=120&maxlevel=120&servertypeid=-1

Blood elf 21%
Night elf 14%


When? In Legion?
Sure, I’d say the overall powerscale was towards horde during Legion in PvP, but not by all that much. Human, dwarf and nelf were all pretty viable in PvP.

And in BfA it seems to be pretty balanced overall, I’d say Alliance racials are a bit ahead because of meld, which is really strong for a rogue and a druid.

From Wrath to end of WoD Alliance had the better racials.


i meant to say racials im not a pvp player so i mix them up sometimes. and if you want proof ask anyone who does pvp. theres like 20 threads a day from both sides complaining about it.

fair enough i was wrong. but still that’s a lot of night elf players.

…imagine my shock when world of hordecraft horde developers hate alliance and do everything to benefit the red side since the end of WOLK

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