*SPOILERS* Rant + Tyrande's fate in Shadowlands

Hi !

So as we can see, Night elves got even more disrespects !

Well…That’s poor writting here.
I mean, give night elves a bit of respect and break, ffs !

Hearing Tyrande yelling “My love” was not enough, so she deserves further humiliation…


is anyone surprised they do this crap when lon and his lackies blatantly said they were proud to have never played alliance? i mean im not the least bit shocked frankly.


They lied to us so many times.

Remember when they said BFA will not be another MOP?


Good riddance salty BI%@#


The undead got humiliated even more so :man_shrugging:

Atleast the nightelves get the forsaken to protect them!


im sure all 4 players who even like that race were devastated. Alliance is almost 50% night elf. not the same thing.

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Tyrande dies in the land of the deads, what’s so surprising about it ? We’ll get her back at some point and call it a day

Kind reminder that afaik we’re the only ones leaving the maw, all the leaders are left behind. Tyrande had datamined questlines in Ardenwield iirc which means that it’ll happen pretty early in the xpack / story

They said that sylvanas wouldn’t end up in chains like garrosh. Which is true.

They even talked about the similarities in game with the 8.2.5 second siege of orgrimmar, whole questlines only talking about how similar it is…

Right back at you.

I’m sure the 10 players that liked playing alliance were devastated. The horde is many many more.

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more people play night elf than the entire blood elf population combined with orc so…

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Do we get to toast her to match teldrassil?


Which is why the forums are littered with a triad of horde bias complaints every now and then.

I think she toasts herself to make space for human potential.

well when the game director himself says and i quote “I haven’t played Alliance in 15 years, and I’m proud.” and you lot get the best pvp talents and likely a redemption arc for sylvanas yeah i’d say the bias is real


Oh jolly good!

Then if the game director himself plays horde, then going by your logic who cares about the Alliance :man_shrugging:

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uhh… the entire alliance population?

This is just so bad. If the Alliance is 50% night elf, at the very least, their leader deserves better writing.

If Tyrande dies in the Shadowlands because of the night warrior… does that mean powers of Elune are worthless in SL? That doesn’t make sense to me at all.


I’m sure the 10 people that play alliance were devastated. Most of the playerbase plays horde. not the same thing.

A quick google searched gave me this from 2019


So she will only be remembered for that atrocious “Mah love”