SPOILERS Shadowlands prequel novel

I don’t even think they will mention any Night Elves in that book other than Sira Moonwarden.

Poor Talanji suffering from short term memory loss. Someone notify the Witch Doctors ASAP.

She’s grieving and that’s fine. But don’t lash out against the people that saved your butt missy.

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What did they save exactly? The things that made the kingdom great are gone. Gold, Rezhan, the king and the fleet. The rest of Zandalar is left in their final kicks before dying off entirley.

One of Talanji’s men attacks her.
Talanji: “This is the Horde’s fault!”


I’m sorry I don’t know if you raided Uldir but the rabid slug in the bowels of that prison was kinda on the verge of breaking free and set to wreak havoc on her city.

The Horde dispatched of it. While she was there with them I might add.

Oh, and they also saved her from the Stormwind Stockades.

Small details I’m sure.

Talanji’s father has just been killed and now an assassin almost succeeded to murder her in the capital of her new allies.
Her words were spoken in anger and understandable fear, I wouldn’t read too much into it.


Yeah that was the work of the PC. But the army itself failed at pretty much everything once 8.1 and 8.1.5 kick off.

The PC is not an independent agent in this expansion though. We’re soldiers in the Horde army just like the NPC’s around us and although we certainly failed in our mission to stop the Alliance from killing King Rastakhan it doesn’t invalidate the extremely important work we did prior to the Alliance raid on Zuldazar.

I’d argue that he stopped being a meme since Old Soldier cinematic, and imo he is far more promising than most of current characters, who are more memable than he is.


Rokhan cries in a corner somewhere.

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Nope. That g’huun plot was our normal hero duty as chosen champion of Azeroth. The real important things are all past 8.1. Oh almost forgot. Alliance also nullified the whole war campaign too with forcing us to destroy that scepter. Horde is canonically the worst ally you can have. Look at the clean track records of victory the alliance has im comparison. Not just military but also morality wise.

together with Liadrin, probably :broken_heart:

I didn’t mean Rokhan, he is great and I wish he was also heavily included because he is a shadow hunter, but I am also glad that Zekhan is growing to be Darkspear champion and not just Saurfang fanboy. Darkspears drastically need their roster increased.

The only upsetting thing is that they try to set up Talanji as romantic interest for Zekhan while I’d prefer for Rokhan to be that person. They had a proper build up for that in game and they had the right but not over the top chemistry.


Why the f**k are they giving the spotlight to the Sha of Saurfang a.k.a. the Meme-boy Zekhan, instead of putting Rokhan in his place???

Ps: Oof, kinda love Talanjis portrayal tho.


The raid in Uldir was the culmination of everything the Horde player did in the three leveling zones on Zandalar and is entirely disconnected from the work we do with Magni. We were there on behalf of Talanji and the Horde to root out the corruption that threatened to engulf all of Zuldazar, not empower our heart or to secure the titan facility for our own use in the war effort.

It’s a canonical fact that the Horde saved Zandalar from G’huun and I would argue that the damage he/it would have inflicted on Zuldazar if released would have been exponentially worse than whatever the Alliance managed in 8.1.

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Magni and Brann show up there shortly after to get MOTHER. So you’re wrong. The culmination of our hard work was the first and second battles of Zuldazar. And that scepter. None of these worked out. The horde failed. And Talanji has every right to be angry.

…not sure where in the excerpt Talanji is blaming the Horde at all, actually. She says that they aren’t helping her right now, and that they don’t need her right now, so she will return to her home turf where she feels safe. I see where people would see a lack of commitment to the Horde from her, but blame? Not seeing it.

Apart from that… this is the start of her character arc in the novel, not the end. Expect her to be a lot tamer once it’s done. They always are.

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Yeah, only around seven or so months after we disposed of the bad guys in there. They’re not present in the raid itself when we’re busting our butts off saving Zandalar and the world from Mr. Slug.

The Horde certainly failed to safeguard her Kingdom against the Alliance but weighing it against the damage G’huun would have done I still say Zandalar came out ahead and Talanji should be intelligent enough to realise that.

Which she kinda does when she sings our praises in her speech to her nation following the Slugs death.

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Old gods ain’t holding any waters against the threat of the opposing faction. We got rid of N’zoth and G’huun like no biggie. But the alliance is still standing. Try explaining this and you will realize why.

Yes. She praises us. The players. Not the horde. Big difference.

Because Darkspears needs more champions.

Rokhan is also there. Not sure how much he will contribute but I hope he will also be prominent enough.But Zekhan is NOT a meme there, he is in fact written very nicely and convincing.
He is now hero in his own right, how would he get out of Saurfangs shadow when he would not be getting any advancement in the story to show him stepping out of it?

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