[SPOILERS] The Fate of Sylvanas in BFA

Or so she hopes. After a while the Alliance finds her peaceful farm and the faction leaders step in, Genn cutting down Sylvanas with his newly-forged Gilnean axe.

The next expansion is about the Alliance trying to go back in time and prevent BFA from ever happening, while the Horde sides with the past-Horde, later following the Alliance back to the present to fight them.


The article is really just another vague “Wait and see…!” blizzard jargon which after all the broken promises that were followed by a wait and see in BFA, I’m not so quick to be burned again


Nah, their company is a dojo and they leave all negativity outside. So I doubt they’re second guessing themselves because they don’t listen to their customers anyways.

They honestly belief they’re writing an awesome story and their “wait-and-see” are top-tier answers, all writers give that answer to questions about their awesome stories. They should win awards for this awesome writing. the GoT-books, Lord of the Rings-saga’s, Narnia… Nothing can compare to the awesomeness that is this story!

Endgame sucked compared to Infinity War. You it was a good end movie for both Iron Man and Captain America… But the story was just one big pile of :poop:

You’re not even a NElf!

I want to see MU Dudflex/Nar’zagh fight AU Dudflex/Nar’zagh for no other reason but for the sheer stupidity.


Patch 8.3 raid ends with the rebels and the Alliance hunting down Sylvanas and killing her, only for the nightmare to fall away and reveal that it’s not Sylvanas at all, but N’zoth! GASP!

We’ve all been trapped in a nightmare since 7.0. The Legion invasion was succesful after all while we slept. Sylvanas (who in the nightmare appeared to N’zoth due to evil old god machinations) and Tyrande (who appeared as Azshara :open_mouth: ) worked tirelessly to free the champions to fight back against the Legion.

We wake up into a ruined world. And that’s how they get rid of the factions.

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No… Iron Forsaken

They won’t do it. They are too cowardly.

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So As Sylvanas and Genn meet for the last time, Genn is about to take her head for all she has done but then realises that in truth, he loves her, and she loves him, we skip to the future where Sylvanas has passed away and Genn is telling his two kids the story of how they met so he can justify dating their Aunt jaina.

The Game end with Genn saying “And that kids, is how I met your mother.”

Que end credits.

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whoa so all the allied races get deleted next xpac?

now that’s some BIG level twisting


Any chance I can pre-order this new expansion Warcraft: Legacy of the dead?

Blizzard going, just as Telaryn described,

yet again is not even bothersome at this point, because whenever they try to ship story hype - I just (personally) feel like it is yet another big company move to sell interest. Idk if that way they try to get those 28% of their stock back or what, but that is just cheap af, with a feeling that storytelling becomes less and less important to Blizzard.

My 2 cents

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8.3 has a quest chain where Magni (and the Champion) assists Vol’jin’s spirit with regaining his memories (I guess it would also help power up the Heart of Azeroth or something who cares) and it’s finally revealed that JAINA(!!!) was the one who mind controlled him into making Sylvanas Warchief.

The rebels and loyalists galvanise together over this interference while Anduin+Genn go nuts on her since she abandoned Varian to play Mindjack with the Warchief.

Sylv abdicates to Thrall. Anduin basically abstains from any actions due to personal feelings leaving Genn+Tyrande in control of the Alliance forces. Both factions go hunt down Jaina who is the final boss of the expac.

Bonus is that she tries to “ENOUGH!”+hearthstone again but this time Vol’jin’s ghost just shoots her in the head at the last minute.


With a Glock, he then Fortnite dances over her corpse.


8.1 Jaina final boss

8.2 azshara final boss

so 8.3 sylvanas final boss i’m just a genius!


Yeah, none of them ever actually joined us that was all a big dream. Each allied race character just gets turned into its corresponding “normal” race (VElves->NElves and NBElves->BElves).

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After the end credits I want a scene of Illidan dancing and singing to “A thousand Miles.” in the throne room of the Titans because he’s bored while we are all fighting back on Azeroth.

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The truth is, at the end of the expansion it turns out that BFA was just a delusional half-dream by Topper McNabb after a particularly stoned night.

At the start of the next expansion, the PC starts right next to him and the first quest is us asking him to get his life back together.

Yeah the end of this quest really could use a rehash and update for the modern day.

I think Sylvanas ends up being put in some high security prison with her sisters as her jailers. But my theory on the third death contradicts this.

The third death stuff, I am very certain will be Azshara or Alleria. If Azshara then I do think Sylvanas’ sisters will be her jailers.

Yeah 2 of the Warbringers have been bosses now, and neither have died.

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