[spoilers warning] When are we gonna destroy a horde city?

ngl thats kinda based

The Horde wanted to go to another world easier to conquer then Azeroth and if it wasn’t for the criminals of the Sons of Lothar they might had succeeded. Now the Orcs have crap land, crap leaders and a disfuncitonal government that keeps them weak. The Horde has never been worse.

You’re forgetting that the Horde has also lost Lordaeron. You should go play BFA and you’ll see what happens to Undercity, I won’t spoil it for you.

You also seem to forget that Dalaran is a neutral city, sure it’s sided with the Alliance multiple times but the fact remains it’s still neutral.

Gnomeregan was lost before WoW even started, you’ve never set foot in it as a capital so that’s seems disingenuous to include. Same with Stormgarde keep.

There’s also a “new” questline you can play which will let you reclaim Gilneas, but if you included that your list would seem worse so I understand why you didn’t include that part.

Theramore, South Shore, Menethil Habour, Auberdine…

Sigh… Destruction is easy. Now building something good, that’s a challenge. Which Blizzard have failed at narratively for so long now.

Teldrasill, Undercity and whatever they just did blowing up dalaran is suppose to be shocking events. But blizzard haven’t built up the story in such a way that it properly pays off so we are instead left with disappointment and annoyances.

Oh come on they’ve done that twice now, In wrath and in BFA. barely comparable to what happened to the Alliance.