Spread awareness: shadowlands HONOR gearing system sucks

https://youtu.be/h1mc90urXvU : video from Stoopzz where he explaing how bad the Honor Gearing system is going to be in shadowlands.
With the last beta build, they pushed some ‘hidden’ changes that not even dataminers discovered.
Basically its going to get +80 HOURS of bgs with around 50% WR just to get m+6 ilvl gear.
on top of this, upgrading gear is going to be GATED BEHIND RENOWN!


Honor gearing system must be fixed, otherwise we will be forced once again to spam pve to get decent/base gear before even stepping into the competitive aspect of pvp!!!


This is surely just placeholder numbers and stuff? Like they haven’t tried to balance anything yet at all? Because this is hilarious

Moderators in reddit removed the post … I wonder why

Idc I just want a vendor to grind.

i’ll be more than happy to stomp the hell out of you in BGs wiht my higher PvE level, destroyng your whole game experience by oneshotting you in a cheap shot ^^

yeah, very cool and well designed system, yep!

… embarassing, now we cant even ask for changes, lol

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Welp, guess I’ll have to get Curve to do random BGs.

I already get stomped anyway but I still have fun :slight_smile:

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Remember in Mop. 1 week of intense farming honor could give you full honor set.

I actually could play more classes. Now I can play 1 or maybe 2.

Farming for 7 weeks. Don’t like the class. Go ahead and do another for 7 weeks.

Who is the person thinking up this stupid stuff at blizzard. It just can’t be someone who EVER played the game.


Yea its depressing af.
I bet a lot of people might quit due to this trash system.

In the end,Activision wants you to keep subscribed so you can be in this eternal timegated/grind loophole.

I dont think they’ll ever go back to WoD gearing system because its better to keep playerbase tied with a slow system like the one we’ll have during Shadowlands.

More profitable for them.

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I came to the forum specifically to post this video.
I pre-purchased the minute I found out PvP vendors were back.
I’ve just gotten a refund after seeing this crap.
Maybe they’ll get the picture one day, and maybe I’ll get shadowlands when they do. Sadly they aren’t learning fast enough.

you really would need to take the +80 hours and put into context of what a m+6 and how long it would take to gear a person it that level of gear.
with m+ only dropping 1 piece of loot per run so you get 20% of getting 1 piece, now as you cant target anything in m+ i would guess 80 hours of pure m+ would not be enough to gear one in m+6 gear.

taking anything alone is not really how it is done, you need to compare the times to the other ways in that expansion not how it is now


cant wait to do mythic raid runs with my guild and stomp the heck out of PVP players with my insanely sick gear in battlegrounds and arena! enjoy waiting 6 weeks to get some alright wellfare gear while the PVE chads stomp every PVP player in the ground.

yes that is sarcasm


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