Spriest or Warlock?

I havent played wow since release of Bfa, played a little bfa and quit playing. So i want to create a new cloth wearing class and i cant choose between Spriest and warlock. I mostly play solo BGs and solo content. I looked it up on forums but threads are mostly outdated. I want to hear you guys thoughts.

Both classes perform well in all activitiest you mentioned. Both are frustrating to play against melees. But for me …shadow is way more fun to play mechanicaly.
It all comes down to good old “try both and decide yourself whats more fun”.


Personally I like the priest toolkit a lot more than warlock, but ended up going with warlock at the start of the expansion, because is wasn’t particularly fond of the changes they made to Spriest at the end of legion / start of BF.

Warlock on the other hand is somewhat more limited in many ways and at this point just seems poorly designed. Baseline you’ll have Fear as a Spammable “stun”, that said it is the least reliable and in most scenarios you’ll probably not want to use it, on the other hand you have Shadowfury a 3 sec AoE stun but ofc there is a catch, it has a cast time… its the only stun in the game with a cast time. Lastly there is Mortal coil which is really nice, but its a talent and its on the same row as Demonic circle which you could take if you are feeling adventurous. lastly before continuing i wanted to touch up on our Flavour spell Drain life, which is essentially a useless survivabillity tool unless you are specced afflic and are using some specific azerite traits.

Priest is a lot more reliable in my opinion with added tools like mass dispel, dispel magic(offensively) and Mind control. On top of that Spriest, as a dot spec has a much better flow in my opinion.

Both priest and Warlock have low tier mobility and if caught by a melee are quite unlikely to survive the ordeal without at least being half dead or worse by the end of it. Spriest mainly does it through PW:S, and though the speed bonus isn’t large by any means you can have a quite respectable up time of it. While on the other hand warlock has baseline only one mobility tool which is the Demonic Gateway which is extremely predictably as you’ll always know exactly where the warlock ends up and it has a 2 minute cooldown, outside of that you could of course spec into demonic circle which is similar but frankly just the better version of demonic gateway, though it’ll only save your own skin unlike the demonic gateway, and lastly another talent choice Burning Rush on your survivability tier if you’re feeling suicidal, it’ll only cost you 4% of your max health every second to run at 50% speed on a toggle.

Visually both classes are great though i feel like the warlock gets some bonus points here as the priest doesn’t have a lot of tier sets that look very “shadow-y”. both have nice spell effects befitting of them.

Outside of raiding warlock doesn’t do very well in any of the other endgame activities, least of all pvp.

Well it’s a double sided question. Classic Priest leveling in comparison to Lock is like night and day. Lock is so much faster, pvp is easier, later levels the priest catches up once you get Silence, VE and Shadow form. In vanilla through to WOD and start of BFA(stopped in BFA), i played mostly Lock and DK, i left SP behind as i was always asked to heal in raid as i was trusted healer and only 1 SP was ever needed in Raid. Lock is simply fun in solo, has 3 dps specs so different play styles if you get bored, SP has 1 dps spec which means you either like it or hate it and leveling to 60 to fins out you hate it is a big investment in time. I would say Level both and see the different feeling in both and you will find out yourself what you love to play.

Me personally. I like Warlock due to demon skin. A free shield is just handy to have. I USED to play shadow, back in the day when it had 15% dmg reduction baked into shadow form and power word schield lasted 30sec.

But todays SP does not apeal to me. The 15% dmg reduction ONLY procs after a melee hit, its NOLONGER always active, power word schield works only 15sec. I am just not fan of SP current dmg reduction.

One thing i do like of SP and that is the talent: misery (both dots in 1 cast) thats just handy! Kinda like hand of doom in legion!

Thing about soul leech AKA warlocks mighty shields…in PvP basic soul leech is useles without Demon Skin, and class mechanic that requires a dedicated talent to make it useful is not a good mechanic.

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I’d go for warlock. They dish out tons of damage and they have no issues in pve content. As a shadowpriest expect to corpse run a lot.

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