Hello! I got the Sprite Darter’s Wings in June last year and since then it has been periodically disappearing (both off of me and from my Collections) with seemingly no rhyme or reason to it. While it appears to be equipped in character select, sometimes when I log in it’s just not transmogged anymore, and I am unable to reapply either since it simply doesn’t appear in my Collections anymore (neither in sets nor individual pieces). It usually reappears a couple hours or so later, but I’ve had to reapply it and pay the gold gods know how many times now and it’s just frustrating to have that happen. Anything I can do about it?
Hey Aelori,
There’s been a bug with this set for a little while now, but the individual pieces should still be usable for transmog so you can still have the full effect. We’re working on a solution in the meanwhile
Hey, thanks for the response, unfortunately I don’t have the individual pieces either, I only had the wrist and gloves transmogged but they disappeared and they don’t appear in the transmog menu at all, so I can’t reapply them as individual pieces either.
Edit: just relogged and looked again, the individual pieces are also missing. I’m just gonna wait for them to reappear, thank you again for the response!
Same. They just disappeared from my sets also, as well as individual pieces.
Same issue here, not just missing the set collection but all the individual pieces from my wardrobe so I can’t transmog it at all.
Can I ask how Blizzard can fix bugs within 20 mins and recieve phone calls from certain customers? Yet this thing that costs real life money has been broken for years now. (I’m counting the other transmorgs that’s had the same bug for over 2 years as well)
Aren’t we all equal? I’m not a coder or tech expert but I’m sure if the same effort that was put into the world first bug requests we wouldn’t be still having issues with this.
I’m not the only customer who notices this. I’m fed up with certain customers being treated with a red carpet while the rest of us are ignored. Dates announced earlier to them and phone calls for support.
This bug is borderline breaching sales laws. It’s pretty much unuseable at this point, I’ve had to transmorg 6 times in one day before while wearing it, To the point I don’t use it anymore. Remember the store sets cost me real money.
Then when I hear some guy online bragging they have just got off the phone with your company and there is a group of Blizzard people fixing a bug for them instantly, it’s a slap in the face.
This should be a priority. I also would like to ask why you keep adding store transmorgs to this system when it will clearly be affected by this bug.
I know it’s not your fault personally but it would be good if what I’m saying could be past on.
Treat us all the same.