Dear wow pvp devs. In SS the scenario that one players does not contribute in a match (e.g. is AFK, became upset) unfortunately happens quite often, either intended or not. The effect could result in that other (active) participants are negatively impacted (will end up with 4+ losses instead of 3), meaning they get minus rating penalty. The rating algorithm would be more fair if it would consider participation (i.e. recognize non-participants like afkers) and take that into the equation such that it does not impact the active participants in a negative way anymore.
There was a thought about that but then could also “harass” someone into leaving for reduced penalties for the rest of the team. A fine line to dance on for sure.
Shuffle can be extremely frustrating but punishment based on participation is hard to track. On my enchancement shaman the other day i more or less globalled a warlock who then got flamed, in another game i was against evoker-frostmage-ele n spent 98% of my existance in CC aka “afking”
How do we measure this accurately? there is certainly intentional griefing just like there is wintrading n an awful lot of awful crap going on in the game but how do we solve that problem without it hitting real players having a bad game or terrible lobby?
As Saneko states aswell the playerbase are filthy n would certainly harass someone into leaving. Im normally not in favor of chat restrictions but you do see the bottomfeeders of humanity with weapons grade antisocial disorders in shuffle lobbies so i´d say keep banning n chat restricting people intill people start behaving.
Generally speaking the afkers, griefers and verbal abusers tends to be the exact same category of people.