STACKED 3/9M Recruiting

Name: Stacked
Faction: Alliance
Server: Silvermoon (Previously Frostmane)
Curr. Progress: 3/9 M BoD
Prev. Prog:
5/8 M Uldir
Raid Days: Wed/Mon (Optional Alt Raid on Thursdays)
Raid Times: 20:00 - 23:00 ST (invites start at 19:45)

What We Expect:

  • At least 75% attendance
  • Preparation - Enough consumables for every raid, guides/videos watched for all bosses
  • A good attitude for progression
  • Knowledge/Mastery of your class/role
  • Being mature/able to take a joke/able to take criticism

Currently Recruiting:
Mage - V.HIGH
Resto/Ele Shammy - HIGH

Melee DPS - HIGH
Ranged DPS - HIGH
Tanks - LOW
Healers - MEDIUM (Off-spec)

Even if your role is marked as low, feel free to apply. If you can prove you are better than someone in that role we have many members who can play different specs.

Stacked is a guild dedicated to progression without taking the fun out of the game, you’ll often find us gambling our gold away and having a laugh between bosses, but then switching it into the next gear when its time to concentrate on killing a new boss. Between raid days we have many members who run M+ or gear alts, so there should always be stuff to do.

We have recently moved to Silvermoon from Frostmane due to the low server population there, and are in the process of restocking our team.

We also accept reserves (people who want to do the odd raid but don’t want a set schedule) and casuals.

If your interested feel free to message us here or in game.

Bleue#1422 (GM)
Neumann#21186 (recruitment)

We are really in need of 3 - 4 damage dealers to stop our current struggle and get back on track. Mage/lock/Spriest/boomy/hunter/Ele/War/Wmonk/Dh we can pritty much make things work with any class & role at the moment. Would be amazing if you contact us. We are starting to get back on track, the core is strong and have alot of potential. If you really are looking for a new home this is the place to look.

BUMP: Still in need of Damage dealers: Warrior,Warlock,Mage.
Contact: Neumann#21186

BUMP 4/9M going forward…still in need of Warlock

Maybe interested with no set schedule.

Nothing to say I won’t go bath to Mythic raiding but as for the moment we are just looking for a good environment to play and chill and see what happens from there.

How long has this guild been around?

I think I seen your guild around when we were on Frostmane before we all moved over to Stormscale :smiley:

Here’s our LF post:

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