I’m really amazed at how I keep seeing people complain that weapon runes only stack to 20, but I’ve yet to see a forum post complaining about it. And honestly, I’m confused as to why they don’t stack to 200 like everything else. The same is true for things like [Savory Deviate Delight]. Having these stack to 20 per stack is still kind of annoying since it just takes up a bunch of space.
As someone who does decently high M+ and currently raiding a lot, I currently have to have at least 4 stacks of weapon runes in my bags since they only stack to 20 and [Savory Deviate Delight]. I mean, everything else already stacks to 200 phials, healing potions, enchantments, food, prepots, and even drums. but weapon runes and other things that should stack to 200 don’t?