Stalker, Stalker, Stalker

I had a similar case of this type of abuse and stalking in a previous guild, not to myself but to a member and the sweetest person I had known.

I’m genuinely sorry about what you’re going through and how Blizzard are arsehams. My only offered advice would be to create a new Blizzard account if you were dedicated to the game, perhaps store RP/Main characters on one account and have some peace on the other. I only offer this as this is what the said ex-member ended up doing, but it’s just a suggestion.

Other than that, long-term ignoring and repetitive blocking seems to be the way forward. You can keeping blocking forever, but Argent Dawn has a max alt cap. Gather that evidence and fudge 'em up girl <3


In order to do something about a stalker, you have to first understand why this person is stalking you in the first place.

Many people that stalk others to such a degree are focused on one person alone, having no other social contacts or anything close to it. This doesn’t have to be the case though. Think about, what made the connection for the other person so special? Did they ever mention anything? Do you have their IRL name and/or address and can possibly report them to someone of their family?

Is it? In your mind and opinion, yes. In the mind of the person stalking you, it’s probably not. People that tend to do this heavily lack a self reflect.

The solution for this situation?

Depends on the country I would say. I don’t know how many have laws against people that do cyber-stalking. I know mine does and if you report someone, the police will pay them a visit. Especially if you can prove their e-mails are threatening to your personal safety.

If you don’t want to go this way then you still have the option to change all your accounts, except of course your WoW account. Some countries also have some weird “X person lives here lol here’s their phone number btw” website, looking at you Sweden. Make sure that nothing like that exists of your IRL name online.

Abandon the e-mail (?) she sends you stuff at. Create a new one.

Bruh. Just why? You had peace.

Without having a talk with the other person it’s difficult to tell any advice here. The only solution that really comes to mind for me is to really ignore all chats. Just ignore them. Why click on them? WoW even now offers some neat window where you can see who whispers you. Close the whisper and done.

A technical solution is: play on WoW2/WoW3/WoW4 etc. Perhaps bring your main (with all the gold) to one of the WoW2 accounts. They are treated seperately (except for mounts and toys).

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You could have been more polite about it, my feelings were pretty hurt. :pensive:

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This is disturbing but not surprising as some people on AD do stalk and it’s happened here also. I wish I had a suggestion other than trying for a new email address etc :I I mean I hate the idea of it since it’s like them winning? But it could help. Keep all alts disabled on the website (check it once a while in case a new one gets listed) and keep reporting the person every time they pop up.

Hope the future turns brighter for you.

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Because multiple times, said stalker was expressing disappointment in not getting enough attention from me. Whenever I RP with someone else, this stalker instantly sees it as “I wasn’t worthy enough but why does this person?”

Another great example I can put in, is when I adopted a cat. Back then, me and my stalker were still in contact, and she felt envy that I expressed caring towards a random cat more than to my stalker.

I have two e-mails. A lot of profiles, accounts are tied up to these e-mails. Some of these e-mails are linked up with instances like bank, driving inspection, etc. Changing completely is possible but it is a huge work to cover it.

Did I? Maybe I phrased it badly in a first place. When I returned to WoW, I was unaware if I’m still stalked or not. Only reason to find out was to provoke my stalker in letting me know that yes - I am still monitored. It is better to be aware of this fact rather than being clueless and then be “suddenly” reminded by my stalker’s presence.

Yes and multiple times. Core issue was in the following matter: I was looking for a person with whom I could be open to, share my thoughts, etc. In other words, a mind-alike. But that’s where it ends. Anything beyond that was out of my interests. There are these type of people who like to stick together simply because each other company is enough. No love, no sex, no family. I’m that kind of a person.

My stalker, as it eventually turns out to be, is a person who wants all that. Relationships, love, etc. That’s where incompatibility appeared to be. And due to this, we never were able to stick together and as a result, parted our ways.

However, if for me it was relatively easy to carry on. For my stalker, it apparently was not. Despite number of statements that she “Won’t stalk me, follow me, bother me.” she just can’t get rid off that habit.

Her “caring” as she liked to name it, was nothing like that. What kind of a caring it is, when you are leveling an alt, running around in Duskwood, doing your quests and then you get a random message

“Oh look, someone returned to the good old state of wasting its life. Truly pathetic to escape into virtual life instead of building a real one.”

I still have this screenshot saved as part of my evidence.


If changing your email feels like a huge task, then all you can do is only open emails that you need to, or that you can see are from genuine friends etc.

I am sorry you are having to deal with this. This stalker behaviour seems more than a crush or a bit of jealousy that is going to go away easily. I think the advice people have given you here is solid and a fair way to deal with it. I can understand talking to the person would be difficult, especially if they send you such unpleasant messages. If they really cared about you, they would leave you alone or just interact with you in a way that is comfortable for you.

Stay strong and don’t let them stop you playing a game you enjoy. I hope in a few years you can look back at this without feeling anything but relief that you handled it and it was solved. Best of luck.


Oh. Okay. I see. So no self worth.

Is all about the “I have nobody else so I just hold onto this idea” thing.

Lack of self reflection is what I call that sentence.

Your stalker is (as most stalkers are) a clear case for a therapist. If you really do have their address then feel free to inform the local authorities. Since who knows how far that person might go in the future. Better safe than to have a Stephen McDaniels on your hands.

This person sounds terribly familiar to me. May I ask - not to name & shame - but is their main a priest?

Yes. Seems like this might be the same person to you then.

I’ll add to this conversation then.

This person, assuming it is the right one harassed me for about two weeks when I was on an alt on the Horde. I was doing EBG’s and joined a big EBG community that 8 out of 10 times wins so it felt nice to ‘steamroll’ the competition for once and get some cool stuff out of it. At one point this person started harassing me through whispers and proclaiming all roleplayers from AD being cancerous and awful players etc. I was befuddled by it because I had never interacted with them - they just straight up started harassing me. And they are on AD no less with an RP character.

[23:03:24] [W From] [120:PersonInQuestion]: There are two reasons I’m in this community: 1) To spend time with a selected few - those of us who loved Ashran back in the days. The community was originally about that, a small group of friends playing together, until Zadou started to invite more »
[23:03:24] [W From] [120:PersonInQuestion]: » people in recent times. I do not like this influx of new, passionless people. 2) This is a place for me to get as far as I possibly can from the RPing garbage of Argent Dawn. Thus I will not take kindly to seeing anyone with a RP-profile in here.

I also have additional saved logs but suffice to say; since then they’ve left the PvP community I am part of and while I’ve seen them once or twice I didn’t pay them much mind other than being reminded of “that weirdo who harassed me.” Again, this is working on the assumption that this is indeed the same person but so far everything described fits into their awful profile rather well. I am sorry to hear you’re a victim of their personality too but rest assured that person was also defeated by AD PvP’ers numerous times to bring them down a peg. As for the stalking… I really hope they won’t force you to involve authorities on a higher level.

Yes, this is the same person indeed. Said stalker was a huge fan of Ashran and often mentioned “Passion” when it came to discussing various aspects, be it RP or art for example.

To my knowledge, that person was a part of some German (?) based community. Might be wrong with this part, as I do not remember in exact details. I can naught but to leave this small riddle to ensure 100% we are talking about the same person.

Check OP and add it to reverted lean.

I believe we are both on the same page. Again, I am sorry to hear they’ve harassed you as well. At the time, 3-4 months ago, I figured they had some personal vendetta due to bad experiences. Turns out I was right. I really hope that person gets better because their mind is not in a healthy place right now. This elitist, nonsensical “i better than u also harass” outlook is baffling. I cannot fathom how a rational person believes such behaviour to be correct.

Anyhow, I’ll go back to lurking on rare occasion and I hope this issue is resolved.


I’m surprised to read of all these experiences with stalking, it’s awful.

OP, have you called the police? It should be possible for them to do something if it’s something happening outside the game as well… :confused:

I admit I have not read all replies but from my own experience a good way to avoid alt stalking and through that unpleasant whispers (because for some reason some people on AD are super creepy with this) is to not only disable the public profiles but also disable the forum profile as well. - that way people cannot see your pets, mounts and achievements and dig through it to find who you are.

Another tip I can give is that if you delete your character then undelete it through the blizz service it deletes it from anyone that put that name in their friend list - a name change works too. So I would suggest you do that at least for your main characters you wish to play on in peace.

Hopefully this will get sorted and remember you can always report this as harassments to Blizzard just add date and time when the message happened for easier time when the GMs have to look through the logs.

I’m not 100% certain on this. I race-changed a character, and thus gave them an appropriate name change with it, and I had people message me on Discord asking if this character on their friends list that they hadn’t heard of before was me.

FTR that’s not true - it hides only your recent posts / likes from being listed on the activity page. I don’t think there’s any way to hide pets / achis etc

hi if it’s the scottish guy, the police were informed several years back.

Well I honestly don’t know if there is some other way how to access someone’s armory as I do not care that much but I have my profile hidden that should at least prevent people seeing my character page (or so I thought) if there is some way around this, then I am sorry for giving wrong advice.

We can still see your character in the armory page, you can’t hide that.

Ah well that sucks big time, thought wow had some way of going around this. Guess I’ll just de-activate my account seeing as that is a case :frowning: