Stalker, Stalker, Stalker

This is more like a shout into the space, I do not expect anything in return, but all I can say is… I am tired. Simply am tired to a brink of completely ditching this game aside despite playing it since 2006 and on official servers since 2009.

I will try to keep it short and yes, at most part, I am the one to be blamed for the consequences.

Met a person in-game (***) back in 2012 and due to a chain of events, we parted our ways. Around 2017 Sila approached me ICly and eventually we started to talk OOCly and at first, things were looking normal. Even stayed one week at her place, IRL. By that time, Sila was aware of my own living address, e-mail, some of my characters, etc.

However, over-time things started to degrade and by the end of 2018 we sided ways again. However, we tried to fix things a few times until a complete stop by the end of 2019.

Since 2018, *** already was keen to stalking me, positioning this as “caring” but this caring went off the limits. She learned all my alts on both factions, monitoring them, etc.

I’m not going to play all white and fluffy here. Sometimes, when I RPed, this RP would end up being ERP, simple follow up so to say. Regardless if ERP took place or not, *** would bombard me from different e-mails or whisper me in game random aggressive messages, purely from envy (which is absurd).

Nonetheless, these messages have own effect after a while and mood for playing the game is gone. However, her stalking went above and beyond in 2020. She was tracking my website, deviantart profile, twitter, instagram, all my WoW activities and dropping random messages now and then.

I even tried to report her to Blizzard twice but to no avail. “Not enough evidence”. The only handy suggestion was to disable public API stuff (about which I did not know by that time).

All in all, over time, things seemed like going down and she even stopped messaging me but I knew that I’ve still been watched. Was easy enough to prove. Go stand in a Bazaar on an alt and voila, new aggressive messages from random e-mails sits nicely in my inbox.

It is simply frustrating. I want to play the game, RP and mind my own business but its impossible if there is always “that” person who stalks you from the shadows. This feeling alone is pressuring alot.

I’m pretty sure, if I name all her characters I am aware off, this topic will be deleted due to some ToS and Privacy stuff. If not, I am glad to share those simply because I am tired of this all and cannot care much any longer.

Thank you for reading this…

P.S - sorry for poor grammatical writing. This whole post was written in a single go, driven by emotions.


I don’t know what to say, except that this is terrible and inexcusable behavior. If nothing else, I hope that at least seeing support and sympathy in this thread will lift your mood a little.

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Disabling public API resulted in an inability to check for any newly made alts, so yes.

And yes. Countless of times I did, starting from polite and ending up harsh and insulting/offensive as I could. No matter, it is like banging my head against the wall.

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There’s some really awful people out there - similar sort of things, although nothing involving staying over IRL, made me quit WoW for a while a few years ago and I’ve only used new characters since then (out with the old, so to say).

I’m really sorry you’re having to deal with this, and for so long too! Must be maddening. I don’t think there’s much we specifically can do for you but I’ll wish you the best of luck - hang in there!

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Oh hey a relatable topic that’s…deeply unsurprising, sadly.

I’ve had to deal with an e-stalker myself, thankfully it never evolved beyond the internet but it did extend outside of wow, they tracked me down to forums I posted on and the like. I dunno if it was me hard telling them no in an email or they just got bored or they realised how screwed up it was but they did, eventually, go away for good. Knock on wood. “Hope they get bored” isn’t a great solution though.

If they’re aware of your home address, present or previous, report it to the police.


Thank you and to others for support. I’m not really expecting any of you to do anything specifically. As I said, this is more of a loud cry off into the distance.

And sadly, completely ignoring her didn’t work either. Tried and tested for around 6 months.

Well that was an unpleasant read. I wish I had a silver bullet for your problem, but it does seem disabling API and reporting anything even remotely threatening to Blizzard are the only options at the moment.

You’re free to share them with people outside of the forum, but yes, you would probably get a ban for doing it in this thread.

This only gives a pass for these sort of people to keep doing this sort of stuff, hardly helpful despite being seen that way.

I’d like to hear Sila’s side of the story now.


No surprise there

What is it with socially awkward losers being creeps towards people looks at streamers

Also had a stalker for a while who managed to infiltrate a guild I was in purely to try and ERP with me, told the idiot to bugger off and thankfully that was that.

Tbh dumb move to give out your address to someone online; idk if I’m some sort of proto boomer but IRL friends > online acquaintances by far.

They met IRL so it was more than just an online friendship, though.

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Wish that was it for some tbh, saying ‘no’ is where things started for me with this sort of thing :grimacing: Some real creeps out there

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Still a dumb move until you get to rly know the person imo, although its a pass if they’re doing some sort of two-face shtick

At that time, it was a fair exchange of addresses for the sake of trust. After all, I was living at that person’s place for a week. If a person comes to your spot, you’d want to know at least where they live and come from.


That is unfortunate and really weird of them, but there are sadly really weird creeps like that in this game and seeing as blizzard wont do anything about it, try and see if there is anything else you possibly can contact about getting this issue solved.

Please don’t use wow as a platform for 18+ things in the future, after all it is a 13+ game so it is really inappropiate and clearly not the right platform for this.

You can easily name a character or two, check-pvp is a thing, unless they got it disabled of course. Even if it is against “ToS”, i personally think its for the better of the community if people know who has bad behaviour and is acting inappropiate.


Been in the same boat myself. Can relate.

You have my sympathies.

I’d say something more but I’m not very good with advice about such things, and other people here have given better advice than I could possibly give.

Have you tried to ask them why are they doing this?

I know. As I’ve said, my point was to say that I’m not all too innocent myself. Else, I’d look like a hypocrite or at least someone who whines whilst trying to hide own “bad doings”. Want to be clear even if that means shooting at my own foot.

Thank you very much.

Many times. Stalker’s statement, most of the time, was an attempt to position her caring about me. Lately, she claimed that she lost interest in me and “barely” checks me. Was that related to me barely playing the game or was it true, I don’t know. But despite all these statements and sayings like “You don’t matter to me anymore” and “I’ve lost interest” … it’s nothing but a lie. Go into Bazaar or MtF and you get at least 2-3 e-mails within the next hour.

I barely played this game by the end of BfA and things went silent. I thought it is over, so went to intentionally stand in a Bazaar and… nope. Wasn’t over.

All in all, there is one last thing I’d try to do but won’t mention it here in case my stalker is reading this thread.


This sounds like a horrible thing to be going through Aeny and if you need someone to vent to you can always message me in game. In the mean time I would only be able to suggest that you block them and do not delete their messages on any platform so you can gather as much evidence as you can. It’s not going to be a quick answer to a long term problem but they will eventually grow tired and move on if you just keep not responding and keep your head down and block them. They want a rise out of you and it’s best you don’t let them. I’ve asked Claire to DM you on my behalf - I truly hope you get some peace -x- love and lights

There is a reason i said in the future. Simply asking you not to do it onwards. There are many that is guilty of doing it in the past but has realized it is wrong to do so on this platform considering the age rating, myself included.