Stalking, i dont know what to do

Hmm… why not confront him though? I’m assuming you’re a girl; do you not have family / relatives / husband / friends that can stand up to the creep and tell him to get lost or face the consequences?

Also opening a ticket can help but also if said stalker is within your vicinity, contacting the local police can be very helpful, I am also assuming this since you said former friend.

I’m also aware that the police can actually intervene in some online interactions, talking to the police can be very helpful since if things got severe, they can actually track the creep and have him face legal consequences.

Stay safe and remember creeps like this are quite insecure cowards, chasing them off is fairly easy especially at the start, they only get more persistent and more confident when they feel that their actions have no consequences and that they aren’t getting backlash and are getting to you.

There is a site called checkpvp. fr It is there for people to check on pvp related achievements.

If you have the name of the character from that in game mail you got paste it in there, and unless he did not make his account private it should show his alts and their name there.

Sorry to hear you have to go through this. Hope Blizzard can sort this one out for you.

The only problem with checkpvp is that it doesn’t show all alts. I just checked myself and it shows 2 alts, one of which I play fairly regularly, one I haven’t played for a while. The one I played yesterday isn’t on there nor are the other 2 or 3 I sometimes play. I wouldn’t expect the ones I haven’t played for years to appear but others, yes.

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Well, don’t you think it is a privacy violation though, because we have the option to only show character-only achievements exactly to protect ourselves, but it can be circumvented by third party websites. Isn’t that very silly? Even if it is used for pvpers to spot the alts of gladiators, I still think it’s horrible, bc even the rank 1 gladiators deserve to just be left in peace when they play on their unknown alt. In Forums it also doesn’t do anything, because the trolls post on their classic characters anyway. It’s purely toxic.
For example, I think OP can never play a new character now without letting her current main in the dust due to websites like this, and privacy features not working properly.

I guess it is a privacy violation but I was only checking it to see if it could help the OP find all the alts of their stalker to which the answer is, sadly, no.

I mean you do have the option to simply not share account information with third-party sites, but given how much and similar sites rely on that access, you effectively cripple any hopes semi serious PvE progression.

It probably can, but I think what OP should do is reporting to police and getting in contact with CS. To protect themself, it’s also important to change name, but because character-only doesn’t work, the stalker might still find her after, which is very stupid.

Yeah true, but I still think it sucks overall and it isn’t intended to work like this.

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And let’s try to explain this situation to the people who are opposing internet anonymity. :slightly_smiling_face:

You can make an account on check pvp and manually hide any alts/chars you don’t want to be searchable on the site.

However, you can still be easily linked via the armoury with pets, mounts and achievements anyway so anyone who is determined to know will find your alts one way or another.

Yeah, luckily it doesn’t affect me, bc I play alone, but I think it is simply a bad oversight by blizzard and I think the situation of OP can be solved in a “healthy” way if she was able to just disappear from the stalker in a way they can’t find her anymore, and of course with the stalker being IP banned if possible, bur what if they make a new acc on a vpn :man_shrugging:t2: I think he should never be able to find them anymore even after the ban.

You can also try to tweet about it btw i think there’s an actual human being checking CSEU_EN account.

Sadly the only way that is 100% guarenteed is if OP creates a whole new account because there is no fail safe way to “hide” chars.

The stalker needs a ban and if they escalate possible police intervention.

I’ve had someone go out of their way to find my main after a forum disagreement, not linked to this char on check pvp (this char is hidden on the site) and my main has posted a couple of times years and years ago so I know the lengths people will go to in their weird vendettas over this game.

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I disagree, I was harassed by a player who I put on ignore, they then circumvented my ignore to get in touch with me again. I filed a ticket, a GM contacted me in game, we had a chat, they then investigated and the person was dealt with and I have never heard from them again.

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I think the problem with check-pvp in this case is that it only shows alts that people looked up.

It only links one of my alts (that I’ve looked up myself), and doesn’t link my evoker which I’ve played about as much as this mage in the current expansion.


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