Hello to all fellow dk players as you are all aware death knight needs a complete re work and blizzard need to listen and buff/rework this class. My solution death knights burst cds need to sync together abom limb apocalypse dark transform should all be 1 minute cds. Gargoyle should be dropped and the power should be put in to the death knight with festering strike and death coil seeing damage increases single target. A 4th specc is well over due and this should be a healing specc frost and unholy should benefit from this and receieve a shadow or unholy healing spell that we can heal ourselves with simmilar to ret flash of light. Stop playing the class until it gets the attention it deserves.
I know, spamming death strike w8ting for burst.
Death strike is just button bait because you waste gcds on it and it does literally nothing healing and 0 damage it needs to be removed and replaced we do not want it
Well its better then frost strike. becouse i got only dmg every 1 min.
Pretty much every class in this game has a self healing spell now and death knight i just dont see it they even nerfed our defensives anti magic shell is like a 2nd rate shield of vengeance now
increasing cd of offensive buttons in a fast paced meta is the last thing this class needs
gargoyle is an iconic ability and a good button to have, it’s just implemented awfully at the moment, but i do agree we could use an increase in single target pressure, one that does not come from ghouls only
all in all kind of a fried forum post, respectfully
Gargoyle was irellevant in shadowlands and in bfa and you say it is iconic ok sure mabye for you. Option to skip thanks
The entire class was irrelevant in shadowlands and bfa, so that barely does anything for your argument. Gargoyle has been an absolutely integral part of the unholy spec ever since the class’s inception back in 2008, and just because newer players such as (i suspect) yourself haven’t played with the ability as much because it hasn’t been meta, you don’t get to reduce its importance and iconic status.
You have barely played the game and missed ~15 years of WoWs lifespan. Why even try to argue what abilities are iconic or not.
no i have not i have played vanilla tbc and wrath cata did not play mop or wod and played from legion until now so dont tell me what i have and have not done. Bfa death knight and legion was better then shadowlands and what it is now put that in your pipe an smoak it
So you’ve played 2 versions of the game without dk in them, then 2 more with a very crude first iteration of gargoyle where you had to snapshot it due to how things worked back then, and then have only played the recent post-legion vomit version of the class and somehow you think it’s in an ok state. Bfa dk was an atrocity and only saved slightly by various borrowed powers, SL dk was equally as atrocious and saved by covenants giving it a nuclear go every 2 min for the 1 season it was relevant, so basically the same thing as bfa. Now that all of those systems are gone we’re once again left fiending in the sewers of the ladder.
Btw you don’t have to be aggressive about it, we’re just talking here jesus
Our burst cds already line up when you’re playing properly. We get a full Army, DT, Gargoyle burst every 3 minutes.
Stop calling for full class reworks while not even posting on the class you’re trying to get to “stand together”.
i play ret and dk dont tell me what to do who are you by the way? 3 minute cd is too much should be 2 mins minimum if you are happy the way dk is right now do not post on here thanks piece of use imagination
“Only post if you agree with me and don’t give input when I want to overhaul your whole class”
Go clown somewhere else pls.
you are the clown now get away from my post how dare you try to tell me what to do you tyrant.
Once they removed Spellwarding in PvP it was the last needle in the coffin for Unholy.
heart strike nerf anti magic shell nerf death coil nerf. Removed necrotic strike R.I.P they find this playstyle un fun for other players ok put the damage in to the death knight then problem solved
The Necrotic strike is now built into PvP talent as passive so I am okay with it.
lets see what blizz come up with
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