
About Starfall!

โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค ๐“ฆ๐“ฎ๐“ต๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ถ๐“ฎ
โ–บ Starfall [H] is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that raids Wednesdays and Sundays 19:45pm-11:00pm
Our raid atmosphere is progression-focused with friendly, skilled and dedicated raiders.

:page_facing_up: During raid, we keep things light and enjoy joking around, but put a strong emphasis on limiting downtime in order to get as many pulls as we can on progression.

Weโ€™re made up of a healthy mix of former high-end raiders looking for a more relaxed pace, plus a few people who have stepped into mythic raiding with us and proven themselves.
We have an active discord, and on off-nights thereโ€™s generally people doing keys, playing other games with each other, and just hanging out to chat.
The one thing we all have in common is a consistent and long-term love for the game of WoW and for mythic raiding.

:page_facing_up: We emphasizes providing a stable environment and a positive atmosphere.
Since we emphasize stability, we have a relatively long trial process where every member of the raid team is expected to weigh in before a trial is approved.
While this is daunting to some, itโ€™s a big part of how we maintain a team where we know every member is dedicated and gets along with each other.

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:white_check_mark: Values based approach. Performance AND Personality.
:white_check_mark: Strong leadership. Proactive regarding issues.
:white_check_mark: Mutual Respect / Genuine Relationship.

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:white_check_mark: A diverse, committed and reliable management team that you can trust to provide you the raiding atmosphere you seek.
:white_check_mark: An engaging group of people inside and outside of raids, with lots of banter is expected.
:white_check_mark: We do our best to be as open and honest as possible about our opinions and thoughts to troubleshoot, problem solve and enhance our performance as a team


Tanks = LOW
HEALS= Medium



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