Start banning premades already?

When are you gonna start banning people for abusing the 5- man limit per premade via que syncing 4 groups of 20 people into 1 battleground ?
Just want 1 Blizz Dev to pick up the mic at some point.
Its crazy how many years has this been an issue and still complete silence from the other end.


It is not against the rules to premade sync manually. No bans will be given for such.

The official stance is that premades syncing and arriving at the same BG is not considered against the rules.

Should you have feedback about this you can give it to the developers through the ingame suggestion box.


I understand that this is not against rules, just curious, why blizz do not make any type of BG?

Half-random (with premades)
Solo blitz
Duo Blitz

I mean it’s not so hard right?


I completely refuse this statement as it is untruthful.
The part of where this doesnt go against the rules is untruthful and the effect of the premade itself on such scale is objectively entirely disruptive.

More depth:
Naturally the chance of 4 or 5 premades of the same community to meet in a battleground together is very slim.
The chance of this happening everytime - absolutely NONE.
According to the rules, any abuse of the system that grants unfair advantage is a breach of conduct and is punishable.
I am reminding you, everyone in the forum with the oposite view, the preemaders and the developers themselves as you are all clearly delusional:
The system limit is 5 man premade, going out of your way to get your full 25-man party via syncing in a single battleground is a breach.
If it is not then the rules need to change or how ques work need to change because this is without a doubt DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOUR to the full meaning of the word “disruptive”.
A thing that can change to fix all of this is actually very simple:
Make it so, people who did not accept the que to get a 2 minute deserter. If they repeatedly do so- 5 min, 15 min, 30 min.
Just like in Skirmish arenas.


This. Its such an insane experience to solo queue into what is very obviously a full premade group.

The experience is so bad that it made me unsub in previous expansions. My time is more valuable than the fun I get out of this game, I’m not going to spend my 2 hours a night after my kids are in bed playing a game as a solo queuer vs a full premade, man just let me enjoy this game on fair ground…


Er… take a look at the TOS, section “License Limitations”, part “viii” which literally states: “Host, provide or develop matchmaking services for the Game”

Part “xi”: “Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players”

I’m not a lawyer, but to say that this is “not against the rules” is … IDK… debatable?

Fact of the matter is, it is disruptive for the player experience, there’s no fun in being steamrolled. We’ve had these kind of discussions in the past about “multiboxing”, that used to be allowed but got abused to the point that it wasn’t funny, actually also mostly on random BGs. Now it is premades, tomorrow it is something else.

Simply put, you don’t want to be in the situation that you think you have a fun time and end up with a very bad experience, to the point that people are writing the forums and reddit full of it.

Even if the rules allow this today, it is detrimental to the game experience and the devs should do something to combat this.


It isn’t, Blizzardians already spoke out over it. Public policies may override the TOS. You can see the relevant post in the same quoted post myself above.


The question was “if joining a queue at the same time for the old AV is against the rules.”
Blizz answer you linked
"To be clear though, queuing at the same time as someone else isn’t considered cheating.

If they are using other means to do so, that might be, but basically going… “One, two, click!” has never been."

Or did I miss the Blizz answer where they clearly state that Q syncing via discord to form a 20man premade in a epic bg is allowed and considered fair play since you know, you can only join with party of 5 max?

Not a clear answer at all from Blizzard and also not a good way to formulate the question.
It clearly is debatable in regards to premades. As again, what you linked boils down to :Q is it allowed to queue together? A: ye it’s allowed UNLESS maybe yadiyada.
Saying it’s not debatable is weird.


If you suggest that Discord is the problem, as if it were some kind of third party program, as others have suggested, then be aware that the sync could be done from within Battlenet’s own voice chat.

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He doesnt suggest that.
Learn to read context.
Holy mother of God, this guy.

This better change because people started to Sync in rated battlegrounds (Blitz) and will soon to be a huge scandal.
Then you will guys see to what scale this disruption is.
But until then we gonna pretend and be in delulu land just because
Saneko has to have his daily dose of “MVP” hormone off the people who actually got legit concerns for the game.


No Discord is not the problem. Certain Players are the problem. Or do you think it’s healthy for a random gamemode to have people running around with 99% winrates?
PvP participation answers that question for you aswell.
I just don’t get the point of it. Turning a random gamemode into a brainless farm for meaningless things like honorlvl hk’s and winrates. Everyone can buy Hero and roflstomp a bunch of dadgamers in random and epic bg’s for 16hours a day with a full team of buffed commando’s. Like where’s the challenge? How can people pretend to be pvp gods or something when play like that lol. It just makes everything meaningless. Blitz already infected aswell. Like do you feel like a pvp god when lose on purpose? Do you feel like a good player when they let you win on purpose? Ow man I’m such a good player, I’m winning this rigged match? Ow man i’m so skilled I have 15 lvl 80’s dedicated to just throwing matches away. Pathetic.


No, he’s just grasping at straws trying to interpret what Blizzard said, when they’ve made it clear that it’s not illegal, whether you like it or not, so stop crying already, squeaky being.


if this duscussion is so crybaby and nonthreatening why do u always pop up in every premade discussion on which only the 2 premade communities oppose.
Are you telling on yourself Delenis?


Because you are pitiful and exactly the kind of people I hate the most on this site.

It’s been almost two years since I last played with them and I still see you whimpering, Alessatrina.

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You really need to work on your reading comprehension.

Blizzard has not made an official statement. That link is absolutely not a definite clear Blizzard statement about queu synced premades.
The fact you think otherwise suggest that you’re the one grasping at straws or just not bright enough to understand what an actual clear statement means.
Blizzard just doesn’t care enough that’s the only reason this pathetic behaviour is allowed. Now go sit at flag and lose games on purpose. bg bestie


Once again you are wrong. There are several GMs saying exactly the same thing, and I don’t know a single person who has been banned for syncing on BGs. You all have been saying the same thing for 6 years and you still expect to be right with your ridiculous interpretations.

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Why aren’t they banned? Because Blizz doesn’t care. Like I mentioned multiple times now. And no there aren’t several GM’s saying the same thing. Not a single posted answer was a definite clear answer. Also, a GM answer is not an official statement. I asked the Amazon delivery guy if Bezos has too much money. Guess the official statement from Amazon is now that Bezos has too much money. Something grasping something straw? ring a bell?
An official clear statement from blizzard about queusynced premades does not exist.
Also 6 years?I first came to the forum in DF because I just couldn’t believe premades in ebg’s where real as I couldn’t imagine people being so lame in a random gamemode with no rewards really existed lmao. yet here you are. :joy: Premades in randoms used to be cringe and annoying but because so many people played randoms you would barely meet them so it was a minor issue.
Nowadays do, now most normal people already quit the game(mode), now you run into them most of the time. Specially if have certain people sitting in ebg’s 16hours a day every fkn day. It’s almost impossible to avoid them. Because participation is so low. Guess driving people away from pvp all those years, so you can lie to yourself that your achievements and honorlvl have meaning, are really paying off huh?
Again, just because poolboy doesn’t care about the floating turd in the water, doesn’t make floating turds in water a great experience for the people swimming.



Keep repeating it on a loop, let’s see if it becomes reality.

You are not the only one nor the first who comes to cry for the same thing.

I’ve never cared about either of those things.

Btw, most of my games are in normal BGS

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The only reason i’m repeating it is because you’re not bright enough to understand it’s already reality.
I guess you’re experienced though. You people have farming honorlvls all day every day on a loop.

Nor will I be the last. It ruins the game for hundreds of players each day. and for years players have quit the gamemode because they cba with such lame behaviour in random gamemodes. But ruining a complete gamemode and the experience for so many doesn’t bother you at all. No no what bothers you is the handfull of people that come to the forums to “cry” about it. Healthy mindset indeed.

Sure tell yourself that :joy: You just like to stomp the powerless then?
Yeah that makes it better indeed.

I know, I run into you a lot and apart from the high cringe lvl I have no problem with a 5 man party.


:person_tipping_hand: Now its my fault u’ve got no sportsmanship values. How is that ?

Well if every 2nd person has an issue with it, probably theres a room for change.
And change there will be since now people are syncing Blitz and the crowd is only getting louder.