Start event in Freehold?


When reaching second boss trash in Freehold, stealthies can run ahead and start the event in the area where 3rd boss fight takes place (the mini arena). When tasked with starting the event, do you only talk to the NPC so he starts his talk? Or do you also rightaway catch the pig and do both? (so talk and catch pig).


As soon as you enter the ring the rp starts, the pig will stay there until it’s caught and you can either catch it there and then solo or go back to your team. The pig eventually stops moving but doesn’t despawn which means everyone can click at once to finish the first stage of the event, then typically you pull 1 pack during the introduction to Ludwig, and another during the introduction to trothak.


You need to talk to the npc in the ring to start the RP. It takes a while till the pig comes, so the best is to go back to your team during the RP.

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Nah it doesn’t start when you enter the ring, at least not on M+ difficulty. You explicitly have to talk to the NPC.

I’m not sure about soloing stuff on high keys, what do you mean here? Does it put me in combat when i catch the pig? Or can i safely catch the pig without having to worry that I’m either in combat or the mini boss will chase me when I run back to the group?

Ok thanks will do that than.

My bad then, either way you have two options. Go in and do pig or go in, spawn pig and go back. Both are viable options it just depends if it’s better for you to be out of the fight less or for Ludwig to be there when your group gets there.

Catching the pig does not put you in combat.

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Ok thank you for your help.

Start the RP, go back to your team. If the tank is timing it well, the pig will be standing still and waiting to be caught by the time you get there. It saves time that would otherwise be spent running after it.

Or you pull trash into and with Ludwig (he’s only a big trash mob, after all), then pull more (probably small stuff) into Trothak. Although it does depend on count up to that point.

For anyone who doesn’t know, if you’re going to do the triple pack at the end of the bridge, you need 82% before heading over to the last boss.

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Usually we do arrive at pig, do pack during Ludwig rp, 2-3 giants + Ludwig, then pack and drag whatevers left of it onto trothak.

Yeah, that’s similar to what we’ve been doing. I’m also going to try pulling the last pack into Harlan Sweete this week. I thought of it last tyrannical week, but seemed like a bad idea when there was so much going on with affixes that week. Should be easy enough with just volcanic for the dps and healer to worry about.

We just trigger the rp and the pig will be there when we actually go there as a team.

We do the pig while doing the various trash pulls around the arena.

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