Stasis bug in pvp (preservation evoker)

ok stasis has 2 bugs that don’t work properly.

1- for the talent “ancient flame”, stasis registers the living flame buff when using emerald blossom if it was casted as part of stasis 's 3 spells, but not for verdant embrace.

2- the pvp talent “dreamwalker’s embrace” ONLY works if you verdant embrace a teammate… but if you used in the sequence of stasis verdant embrace on a teammate, it wouldn’t grant ancient flame buff.

both of the bugs above are with verdant embrace. kindly fix.

Hey there,

You have to use the Support system ingame to report feedback/bugs and explain the problem there.

They do nothing with your post. :neutral_face:

i have made many sadly, but nothing changes.

can i post somewhere on forums for the bug?