Stasis Chambers of the Mana-Tombs

I can’t complete this quest. I enter the instance and interact with the quest object, it does the cast time and animation then nothing, no quest completion and the chamber is empty. My understanding is that an npc is supposed to pop out but this does not happen.

Has anyone else completed this quest recently or also had this happen?


same here, i tried completing it and no luck. tried with another char that has different reputation rank, just in case. 3 characters all stuck on same quest.
submited bug report, opened support ticket but no help there either.

same issue, also tried with party sync just in case, with no luck, the npc from the stasis chamber just doesnt want to spawn.

Same here, the cage opens and… nothing.

Hey there,

This is indeed a known issue currently, though with a fix coming in 11.0.7.

Thanks everyone who reported it in-game to help get it looked at!

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