State of alliance & more


I’ve played both horde and alliance in both BFA and shadowlands.

It’s often the case that I open up the group finder on alliance when I’m playing and only see maybe 1-2 keys, sometimes it’s completely empty as well. Meanwhile on horde at the same time, I have to scroll.

Let’s imagine you have 6 trolls, 6 forsaken, 2 blood elves and 4 humans. You move 2 blood elves to alliance and split forsaken to do a separate faction. Boom, 6 Vs 6 Vs 6.
So I don’t fully understand your argument. Like is it a lasting measure?
God no, a long-lasting measure would be number 3, to remove chores.
Because chores like weeklies are the real cause of clumping, not lack of players. Like in classic you sometimes waited for an hour for a group to DM and that was not a problem, because you did not have to do it asap or at all.

Not having blood elves and trolls on one faction, it kills any lore-friendly person on sight. Make them a different faction, whatever

Well, what do you think people did in classic? Or what do people do in other ten of thousands of games?
I own a personal collection of more then 8 hundred games and I have also played this game since launch and I can say you this:
Making wow about ilvl grinding Is the single biggest mistake blizzard ever made. Not the token, the store, the imbalance, the one location for 6 months policy.
Grinding ilvl.
The only time, when upgrading gear was handled somewhat right was classic and legion legendary weapons.
But we really digress from the topic.


Yeh, shadowlands have no faction hubs. It’s a past expansions thing. Like 8.2

Okay, This is fair… We’re sitting on a 65% horde 35% alliance overall EU population. And then if we look at the server imbalances, on the two realms i play on, Draenor, being 98.5% Horde and Silvermoon being 98.4% Alliance.
I am still having a MUCH noticeable worse time doing keys (and even raiding) on alliance, than i am horde…

The main point of my post was simply, that Blizzard at this point, needs to do something to encourage some people to switch back from horde to alliance (and perhaps stop alliance to horde migration all together for the time being?) to try and get the overall game state to a much healthier point when it comes to the community side of things.

I have been thinking to migrate to Horde recently because I am tired of losing almost all BG’s. I like PVP and I like World PVP however it is difficult to enjoy it when your team plays like it is a first time for them and in War Mode you mainly have Horde characters everywhere. But paradoxically I like Alliance and all my friends and family members are playing in Alliance and that what make me stay in blue side.

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