State of alliance & more

Hello! Hoping a blue sees this…

With the current state of the community playing the game, (90% horde 10% alliance) and most of alliance being new players or heavy casuals. Its currently very close to impossible to do m+ higher than 6-7 and raiding higher than heroic…

With 9.2.5 we are getting crossfaction but as a opt in feature and without guilds being crossfaction. which likely means that with the current state of the faction imbalance most horde players just wont opt into it to avoid the lesser skilled alliance players…

Has there been any thoughts, with crossfaction coming out, to allow the community over all a once in a lifetime faction change for free from horde to alliance, to try and balance this out a little more? (I know its unlikely to help as ppl wont be leaving their guilds for this, but thats where i hope ptr feedback from 9.2.5 can help out and actually get guilds made crossfaction too…

I see a very easily noticeable difference in my alliance groups and horde groups (i play both) so i atleast feel like its a viable concern.

Have a nice weekend.
A concerned used to be semi-hardcore alliance raider…


I can think of a plethora of effective ways to fix faction disbalance:

  • Cancel the 2-faction system and add more factions
  • Shafle more races to the alliance, like elves are the obvious choice
  • Remove the necessity for all player base to grind ilvl, so that people don’t have to apt for horde to win their daily bg/do a mythic + etc.
  • Grant Alliance better open world positioning to do open world activities more effectively (instead of the other way around as it traditionally is)

Will any of these be done? Nope
Blizz be like “my life for the horde”


The problem persist since vanilla.
Early stats of vanilla alliance racials were stronger so blizzard had to buff the horde racials. But they over buffed them and we started with that mess.
Wrath of the lich King was the first time since early vanilla Where alliance had strongest racial (without s because only humans had it Best).
They should completly rework them like give orc racials to human and both orc and human have same undead and Dwarf have same gnome and tauren same (which opens a question how gnomes have war stomp or dwarfs have will of the forsaken??).
Or completly remove them and not only pvp but pve too, like delete them.
Its all about racials.
The look have little to nothing because from wrath to MoP alliance had more players thanks to the OP human racial for stuns and all kind of CCs which nowadays is nerfed on longer CD and remove only stuns.

The racials doesnt really matter for 99% of the community though… The PVP ones matter for the high end arena players, and the PVE focused ones doesnt really matter unless you’re in the world top10 of guilds as bosses arent tuned with the racials in mind…

The problem is a long standing one, yes… and it needs to be solved…

At this point it would be great to simply dissolve both factions and make races their own entities. This way the cry over High Elves being playable would end for example.

Open world PvP could absolute free for all where people would not be able to kill only their own race.

Battlegrounds and arenas could be absolute random stuff where all races could be together to in one team fighting for craps and giggles. JK. Sweet PvP gear would be the goal.

Guilds would be turned into mercenary groups consisting all races and fight for their imaginative goals or for better or worse quality RP.

Blizzard could add some lovely mechanic to guilds that are made of only one race and give them some patriotic buffs.

Obviously there could be a possibility to have a patriotic guild with main race and it’s allied counterpart like Orcs and Mag’har Orcs.


Players will still clump up in 1 faction because players like having other players to play with.

They did. We have pink skinned, blue eyed elves now. What more do you want?

And what will be left to do in game when you take out the process of gearing up?

If the racial had nothing to do with the unbalanced then why in vanilla and tbc we had more horde players playing mainly orcs and undead and tauren was mostly a druid class.
And when wrath came half the horde switched to alliance mainly human all the way till WoD and now when EMfH is nerfed People came back to horde.?
The common answer with “but the 1% of the top” is a big BS excuse.
Its all about racials.
Why now on alliance the main race is human and horde main race is orc next with blood elf for the dispell racial?

What kind of open world position(?) horde has now ? How has it hordw better ? From what i know aliance has one special quest and since they itroduced bonuses for wm aliance has way more there , so idk what kind of advatage we talk here .

But to fix this , if they decided to go with cross faction and to “kill” it , they should remove it alltogether, all restrictions, make just races , no factions, ezpz solution.

If you are talking about Vanilla then you are wrong. Vanilla was extremely Alliance heavy on the population side, which was reduced to an extent when Blood Elves, and paladins, were added to the Horde.

The second major population change begin happening after MoP, when a specific racial was so strong in Siege that high end guilds begin shifting over to Horde for it.

It is not about racials anymore, but more for convenience. If you look at racials now you will see that the best racials for PvE are on Alliance side, and the same goes for PvP, where the only racial that can keep up is the orc racial.

The MDI groups are predominantly Alliance because of how strong Stoneform and Shadowmeld is there, while to my knowledge in PvP events the majority of the group are also Alliance.

Horde has a more established PvE population (which as far as I know was always the case), since the faction was always stamped as being the ‘PvE’ faction, so it always had more on the PvE participation scene. After the Human racial was nerfed there was nothing outright broken keeping PvP players on Alliance side. Why would you stay there when you have a race with a strong racial (orc) on Horde side, as well as having a bigger player pool there?

Racials are meaningless for somewhere in excess of 99% of players, including those who do high end content. Alliance already has the best racials in the game and yet most people play Horde. Your claim that it’s about racials makes no sense.

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There’s really no other solution than letting us play cross-faction.

Letting us play crossfaction aint really a solution unless they force it… With how players are on alliance currently (skillwise) from my experience, horde will just not opt in and leave the community in the same state as it currently is.

Where are you getting that from? There are still good players on Alliance. Some will come back once they are not forced to be Horde to play competitively. You can still be picky about your candidates and only pick the good ones.

This is an exaggeration, by the way. I’ve done four keys on +10 or above yesterday, with pugs, without this season’s IO score.

Not exactly. It makes a difference, sure, but “high end arena players” tend to play on both factions because they can make it work regardless. It’s just harder to play on both factions with all the stupid PvE you get pushed into doing for each character, so fewer people are doing it. And horde got more people playing on it for racials, so the higher rated ones followed and then it solidified itself as the meta over the years. But that doesn’t mean high rated people aren’t playing on both factions.

Also, they really should remove the faction barriers entirely. Factions themselves are an outdated concept, even in the lore.

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I do not personally think we will need to force it. The introduction of cross-faction will, over time, cause some of the Alliance playerbase that migrated over to Horde to move back.

I am personally going to raid on Alliance side pre-dominantly once cross-faction becomes available. Currently, due to the fact that I like to play all three roles, it is incredibly tedious to help out my Horde guild, because I need to keep up two characters to do it with (1 ranged DPS and a hybrid for tanking/healing) while I have to repeat the same on Alliance side in order to help out there. With Cross-faction I can reduce that from 4 characters down to 2, which with my time tables is much more managable.

There will be Hordies who will opt in for cross-faction since there will be more keys available for them that way.

I wonder how arena would be if ALL racials got disabled in there.

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Class balance would become more dominant than ever. Racials have always been the way to overcome certain disadvantages in class balance.

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I’ve done higher than 6-7.

I honestly wonder if I am playing a different version of Wow today.

I have no difficulty finding higher key groups on the Alliance, and my own keys fill in minutes when I list them. Sure there are less groups listed but as someone who plays on both sides I can tell you that the difference isn’t as big as people make out until you get into the top 0.1% of M+.

There is a gap, it has got noticeably bigger in SL, but any claim that it’s 90:10 horde is greatly exaggerated.