State of Mistweaver III

Hey, Blizzard,
I’m not a super pogchamp player, just an ordinary loser with 3.3k rio.
I got a little bored and thought…I’m making the biggest mistake of my life.
I’m going to make a MW.
I actually don’t even know what to say…I’m terribly sorry but how terribly incompetent you are. It’s amazing how grounded this spec is.
I’m not talking about the meta setup where you go +30.
And yet you have players who like to play it. It’s a lot of fun to throw a Faeline stomp and start spinning…that’s an oversimplification, isn’t it?
I’m talking about +20 when you go to play pug and have a huge problem keeping those players alive and yourself. You don’t actually have any utility, HEY BLIZZARD! NO UTILITY!
I was really sad when I needed to top my party lads and just hope that vivify crit. The damage is absolutely ridiculous. With 445 ilvl to make 38k overall in freehold? Do you see what druids, paladins, disco or evokers do? Not to mention Augment Evoker. Do you realize you’ve totally broken the game with this?
I’m pretty sure you’re not playing the game. Because this is proof. I’ll offer you my time and suggest changes. That will raise this spec. There’s no need to make big % changes, just make it worthwhile.
Do any of you developers even read the forum?
I’d really like to help you and for FREE.
It’s nice to have a meta classes, but it’s also nice to go play with everything the game has to offer. MW will never be a meta, but it very easily could be.
Please offer me the opportunity to help you. Because you’re swimming in it. If the community wasn’t crying, we wouldn’t even have Sheilung. Just remember.
Unbelievable… such a company and so ridiculously incompetent. And MW isn’t the only problem. How about Assa? Or Survival, Prot War and a bunch of others.
Please email me for help and I will help you fix the game.

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I play mw from time to times when I get bored, and would like to add one more quick thing about the “dps”, the “fistweaving” gameplay is pretty fun to me, but the damage is super bad, the fact that there’s an option to heal through a part of the damage dealt but having lame damage is kinda meh, I mean look at the top logs BH week 10 affix, top 3 mw logs are 36k, 38k and 44k overall, disci 48k, 52k and 56k, evoker 67k, pally ranging from 50k to 70k , in lower mob count dungeons like NL, disci averages 45k, while the mw like 32k (you got the idea)

to me classes that heal through damage should have the highest dps to be competitive

also regarding defensives, priest gets 10% dr every 20-30 seconds (20% if pops a flash light on himself), mistweaver gets 20% every 2 minutes, pally can immune like every 3-4 minutes without any talent spent, mw can get a 15% hp buff every 4 minutes with 2 talent points, idk about other healers, didn’t play any other

healing wise, they are not that bad, they just lack utility and survivability

they’ll not get any rework anyway soon so this thread just like any other monk related thread will be ignored, maybe next season who knows, if enough people qq enough maybe they’ll get a 5% vivify boost and 2% overall healing increase, heard they’ve been doing this for quite a while on all specs, ww issues? 5% blackout kick damage, brew has no armor and stagger scaling? get a 10% blackout kick damage bonus, not enough mw utility? get a 3% healing increase; so, enjoy your next 6 months of monk in the current state

but hey! you can get a black ox statue as mw and mass taunt if you feel like, show me a healer that can do that :slight_smile:

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