Sad. Just one word. Literally shame what blizz has done to the best spec in the game. We’re bottom feeders
What changed to make it worse then it was in DF? It playes basically the same, its countered the same, gameplay wise its the same.
Wild guess its just the normal “we dont hit hard enough”.
And that is True.
We don’t hit hard enough.
Our damage is kinda low, our selfheal is gutted compared to fury warrior and hunter but hey our deffensives are still good.
Its at the same lvl as it was in DF and 3ish expansions prior. It has been very consistent on the low end for a long time. Meaning that our low self healing is designed to be low.
It was low in DF and they decided “well we cant really nerf it more so lets limit it with mana”
They couldnt nerf mana more so they decided to nerf the DR by 50% on Divine protection for TWW
Our survivability is consistenly the same, every new talent that adds healing in a new expansion is instantly offset by a nerf on our old toolset.
Every new dmg ability that is added is followed by nerfs of the old.
This is why at the start of beta i asked ppl to ignore the numbers and ask for new abilities that actually changes things.
Rets in every single expansion (since legion) is a “+ - 0”. We gained nothing!
Bro mage heals more than paladin… thats ok with you? And damage wise yeah its low. The is is just pure numbers issue nothing else
Do all paly heals now have a 3 min cooldown?
I agree, unfortunately.
Single target damage is very bad and it’s astonishing to me to see pure dps classes like warlock or war, even mages lol, that heal more than us.
Word of Glory having mana is just a troll move. Flash of light is literally useless. I tried spamming it once when I was 50% hp just to test it out…I had to use almost all my mana and I casted like 8-10 FoL. What is that ? xD
The logic is simple to me, if I spend HP in a fight to heal, I should get a considerable heal, because I do not do damage. Currently, ret is punished both ways.
Kinda weird honestly, especially since the xpac has a lot of paladin content like the whole arathi faction + the upcoming giga hype T2 rework set. Yes, all classes get the rework but everyone knows Judgement is the best set in WoW history.
By no means do I want an op ret. For some reason, recent stats show ret is the most played spec, which is very weird for a long time ret enjoyer. This class was non existent before the rework.
No its not and i think atm its overtuned, but in DF they were not far appart. All dps classes were not far appart and most classes were above ret.
Rets are designed to excell at nothing, not a single thing. We have never brought the highest burst or healing. We bring the least CC of all and no healing debuff while having the least mobility while also having an unimpressive execution window compared to others.
If you say utility imma slap you, every single utility spell is a relic from vanilla. Nothing new has been added nor ever will. I sparsely count pvp talents as actual addition to the class but thats where we get the only new utility with Blessing of sanctuary and spellwarding.
Fact remains, our selfhealing is the same as it was in DF. They might add a 10% buff every now and then but a 10% of nothing remains to be nothing.
I think they throw in those buff every now and then because the scaling aint that good (probably intended) so those buffs are just to keep up with new seasons and the new health roof that just increased.
Ret is a high utility spec that provides support with damage and offhealing. When you remove damage and offhealing it’s just Support. And it’s bad. I dont want to be on top, i want a playable class as it was recently.
Its not. Its worse. In pve its better, in pvp its really gutted
Should have brought the freaking baseball bat over the slap
As ret has always been low on self healing they are the main target, no utility used on others.
Herald is at the same healing lvl as a DF ret, Templar is worse of as it basically has 0 healing “fluff” added to it.
This was the obvious outcome of the 2 hero specs and i said as much back in April.
I will never rest, as long as MAGE, WARRIOR and ROGUE are able to selfheal more than paladins do in any pvp scenario. That is just bad design.
Dont rest my paladin, you are right. This is an abomination.
Paladin needs heals up in pvp.
Guess yall were asleep on this issue prior TWW
Edit: Just saw that they are basically doing a Paladin rework, adding much needed updated utility. Think most changes are in the general paladin tree. For ret there is a 10% WoG buff because they removed a talent no Ret ever took
its no damage at all done to any spell caster or our bubble does nothing mages literally kills you in a seconds the damage is none existence in pvp
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