Figured I’d open a discussion here as I see it talked about a lot recently.
Currently Retail servers are in a somewhat state of disarray. Since nearly half the player base moved to Classic Vanilla or TBC, the population drop on Retail servers resembled the Anima draught at the launch of Shadowlands.
I know balancing servers has and always will be tricky, especially given that most issues are player-driven, but having 6 connected realms with a total population lower than New Player realms, should be a problem on everyones radar. ( Addressed by either allowing free bulk migration before shutting down the dead realms or by making another connection with a High population realm server from the same battle group )
The growing sentiment in this particular case is that Retail servers are being fully ignored as if the game is at its end and retail players are no longer relevant.
The multiple free migrations and attention Classic players have been getting for the last 2 years is a testament to this:
Classic ← plenty
The Burning Crusade ← plenty
Shadowlands ← Well… none
Just like on Classic, Retail servers are dying, difference being nothing is done about it.
The scenarios a lot of us find themselves in are:
- Friend is leaving because of “a” reason, usually unable to do activities, or sell on AH
- Your guild is leaving because of “x” reason, usually unable to find new recruits
- You are forced to leave with them or play with a whole new group of people OR play with potentially no-one because 90% of the server is leaving.
- Add the fact that some people are paying hundreds of $ just to move many characters
Maybe I’m wrong in this, or maybe I’m missing the point, but it certainly doesn’t feel like servers died off fast because I’ve been addressing this issue since BFA, it really feels like we’re full neglected after the classic / retail community split/shattering.
For the last year, I’ve tried starting a dialogue yet my voice has fallen on deaf ears.
Maybe this approach will reach the Game creators or the Developers or the Server admins.
So with that in mind - is there a way to move forward and make this better, or is this just how it’s going to be?
Don’t get me wrong I love seeing a big server because I know I can find people to play with, I know that I can find people to do trades, buy stuff, etc. and it’s a very thriving environment, but whether it’s the new norm or there’s some ideas being worked on, I believe it needs to be addressed so we, your lovable gamers know what the future brings.