State of Roleplay; is it just me?

They do not deserve your generosity :frowning:


Literally me everytime trying to rp with aerilen


There’s stuff going beyond the Span, Tourney as well start of December. Stuff like Darkshire yea is dead, but tbh Argent Archives gives a lot of footage of what players are actively rping

Yo your adventure was lit can’t wait to continue it someday, keep doing gods work!

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So to be Recruited to epicness one only needs to stare at a pond?


Ain’t just you… there are a good few events that have caused things to trend downwards and it shows. Some people are still dedicated and attached to their chars and social groups, but it’s gotten smaller… and emptier.

From SL being a little lackluster and trending downwards, the lore of SL not lending itself for RP in all but very few cases, the actiblizz situation that goes on, continued lack of rp related additions to the game, to last but not least a seeming increase in harassment and sexual misconduct in the game where people get away with preying on other players or play out weird fantasies without being punished for it, despite it clearly breaking ToS and drastically messing with the mental health and enjoyment of other players.

I can’t even bring myself to log on anymore having been victim that to that myself, but I feel it’s important to make your voice heard all the same.

Sincerely, I hope there can be some kind of movement to make rp community heard and be considered more as it’s core part of the game and the main source of enjoyment for a lot of people playing WoW.

Give this here a look and feel free to spread the word if you want to. It’s just an attempt but better than nothing.


the shadowlands incident . . .

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Some of the RP in the region was terrible, but it could scratch an itch.
It was oddly engaging.

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There have been evenings during Legion on which it felt emptier than it feels today. Maybe it is just my perception of things, but I do not think that this is a recent trend. I am not saying that RP isn’t declining, just that it isn’t a new thing.

BfA had a decent amount of RP in Boralus, at least, a hub that is still used today.

There’s a plus side to this as well, namely that a number of troublemakers have left the game, too, and the OOC “community” has become far smaller as well.

Duskwood was to me, a really good setting with RP that didn’t match it quite as well. I kept coming back for the occult themes and spooky shenanigans only to find draenei giving out lapdances or a whole bunch of Horde with neutral licenses, and I assume at some point both of those things met.

Eventually I stopped going because the pros of the zone didn’t outweigh the cons of some of the people occupying it.


The Horde races seem to be gone.
It’s quieter and less fantastical than before.
Though there’s people hunting dreardlords who are raising dead, it’s more fitting with the zone and expansion.

haha jonathan that is me

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It is you!
It’s a good story for the region.
Instead of “druids want to own the land and have every vulpera and troll in too”

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Druids definitely have a reason to go to Duskwood, the Alliance ones moreso though, given that you can show any worgen in your guild/group their heritage/origin if they don’t know it already.

Yeah though it gets a bit out of hand when they become a wannabe military that tries to impose rule on the entire region and also house Horde soldiers and blood trolls and all that kinda stuff.

Then again on the other hand this was offset by there being 7th legion guilds in the canonically neglected region


Never forget ebon blade paramilitary, who occupied the tower in duskwood and did anime fights in northrend

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Oh purlease. You love the spectacle.

I think I remember who that was, but I forgot the name of the guild…

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Jesus it took me an hour to remember


They dissappeared after some stuff in Northrend no? Someting about trying to control all the undead that were boarding their necropolis or something…