State of Roleplay; is it just me?

It is you!
It’s a good story for the region.
Instead of “druids want to own the land and have every vulpera and troll in too”

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Druids definitely have a reason to go to Duskwood, the Alliance ones moreso though, given that you can show any worgen in your guild/group their heritage/origin if they don’t know it already.

Yeah though it gets a bit out of hand when they become a wannabe military that tries to impose rule on the entire region and also house Horde soldiers and blood trolls and all that kinda stuff.

Then again on the other hand this was offset by there being 7th legion guilds in the canonically neglected region


Never forget ebon blade paramilitary, who occupied the tower in duskwood and did anime fights in northrend

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Oh purlease. You love the spectacle.

I think I remember who that was, but I forgot the name of the guild…

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Jesus it took me an hour to remember


They dissappeared after some stuff in Northrend no? Someting about trying to control all the undead that were boarding their necropolis or something…

No clue mate, all i know they did anime 1v1 fights in borean tundra which apparently caused a massive crack in the ice and you had to consent to THEIR battle’s outcome in order to RP there.

The feck in ten characters.

On one side, game’s been in awful state and a lot of people quit which caused more emptiness.

on top of that most people roleplay with their guilds/friends instead of open world roleplay.

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i do hope the next Expac is more RP friendly…
The game could really need it
It’s the setting and Lore that brought everyone here in the first place…
and the thought of “living” in this world. Or watching our “Characters live in it”


Legion was a bit janky in terms of what they actually were throwing at you, but the overall premise was very good and the spectre of the big bad - the legion - was omnipresent. This let players pick up concepts and use them within the frame work of that expansion which made the experience more overall fitting.

WoD lacked this as no one could go to Draenor, BUT we got new player models which also I think jazzed up people’s interest in playing the older races in particular. Not to mention I think the reprieve from the Cataclysm era madness of the END OF THE WORLD thing being shoved down your throat was welcome from a lot of circles.
BFA was an odd one as the “war” narrative didn’t appeal to everyone (talking mainly Horde loyalists and rebels here, and the complete lack of anything from the Alliance) and was actually awkward to plan around considering how inconsistent it was (thanks Danuser). Not to mention 8.3 was rather weak with its “oh big twilight hammer threat” spiel.

And of course Shadowlands is just a joke. A bad joke that keeps going on and on, but a joke nevertheless. The implications to the meta are so profoundly monopodical that its actually better off to ignore the narrative being defecated in front of us.

So in short, there is RP but the state of RP largely (in my experiences) depends on how people seem to be connecting to the overarching gestalt of the expansion, or in place of that how they can get around the parts that are a problem. Not to mention we have external problems that only compound this like Blizzard showing the world just how low they can go and competitors showing alternative solutions for enjoyment.

Replying 5 days late, BUT the best thing to do about Shadowlands lore is to ignore it completely. You’ll feel a lot better.

It’s become so hilariously and depressingly bad that it doesn’t deserve any space for consideration, or intergration into our characters and RP. (“You’ll never guess! Turns out the afterlife and everything in it was made on a production line in a floating robot box! Isn’t that super!?”)

Of course, there are a handful of things in lore which can’t be ignored (such as the Scourge invasion), but most of the rest has no interaction with our characters, so we don’t lose anything by dropping it.

The people I most feel sorry for are Ebon Blade roleplayers. They don’t have much of a choice.


What do you mean? Blizzard has been ignoring it just fine since pre-patch ended.

Fortunately it’s not been said the ENTIRE EB went to the Shadowlands, home of the cosmic 3d printer


Yeah, but the knowledge is still there that Blizzard will likely build on this for future expansions, which means most lore to follow will be pure garbage and unusable. Leaving us with the prospect of being “stuck at the end of BfA” basically.


Why do we go still to Orgrimmar? Why doesn’t the serious Horde roleplayers pick a new rp hub? There are plenty enough.

I mean, before I quit WoW in Cata, I noticed the same decline in Silvermoon City. During tBC it was always a busy RP spot, with people gathering at the bar at the Bazaar. I had an alt that worked behind the same bar.
And yeah there were also perverted RPers but people kinda ignored them, I remember Silvermoon RP in an alright way.
Then during Cata the city was split in two, with the Bazaar having become too popular and getting cringy horrible pervy roleplay.
The serious RPers were in the Northern part of the city. The city’s RP community was effectively split in two. Now Silvermoon is less or more a ghost city.

What I notice is;
A RP hub for Horde starts > The RP hub get’s too popular > People start roleplaying who don’t care about lore or are straight up weird > Serious roleplayers leave > Goldshire

I, myself, don’t think serious roleplayers should flee from their roleplaying hubs, but should unite in getting to a new one. That’s why (after I fixed some real life stuff rist) I’m doing that Frontiers project, to get people outside Orgrimmar and unite to roleplay somewhere else temporarily.

I mean… Horde RP has a lot of potential, but I think people should re-event the basics.


This is sort of what I did with bringing RP for Pandaren back to Pandaria. Got Pandaren out of the cities and made a new hub in the jade forest which has been successful so far.


No, you’re not I don’t think I’ve seen it this bad since Cataclysm happened and the oldfolk of the server ran away in disgust. My recommendation like everyone else has already pointed out would be to get involved with a guild because that’s really the only reliable RP you’re going to get unfortunately. Random RP was in a poor state mid way through Wrath, honestly even in TBC there was some dry spells that made us rely on weekly communites like Tsath’s villiage hours. Cataclysm onwards the decline has been steep.

If that doesn’t interest you, if you’re so disgusted by the lore you can’t stand it you might want to try Epsilon but that’s basically just a large version of Goldshire with a handful of decent guilds mixed in to it. If you’re feeling palpably insane, you can join me and the 7 other people RPing alts on Hydraxian Waterlords in TBC classic which will probably, maybe (likely not) pick up in Wrath. Maybe Cogsworth/Feeb will come spoonfeed us over here if Blizzard keeps nuking their own lore. Where’s Moppentoff these days?

Yeah I firmly believe that Horde RP should differ itself from Alliance RP. Meaning they have to stop hanging in Orgrimmar as it has fewer options to them compared to the zones outside Orgrimmar. Alliance already has city RP, why would you wanna hang in the Valley if you can have even a bigger city in the Alliance?

The Horde should bring something new to the table that will attract Alliance roleplayers to make characters for the Horde too. And I think having Nomadic RP (roleplay that focusses on certain zones during a certain period) is a good way to go.