State of Tanks

by the way, I’m thinking of playing monk tank ) How is his survival rate in the high keys now ? How does it play at all ?

Brewmaster is nice to play but uou have so maaaany buttons to press

BrM is easy to play but ilvl to ilvl compared to Warr, Pala, Dudu, feels much weaker.

Again, comparing ilvl to ipvl.

My experience would be “Paper-squishy” till you manage to gain ilvl and stats. Then its just fine.

It’s nice honestly. The fear of getting one shot is almost non-existent because of how stagger works, so that’s a huge relief off your shoulders (sort of- non purified stagger can still end you).

If I should be honest my only fear going into “higher” keys are healers with short attention spans, or those that would like to pretend their dps can make up for their lack of heals (discs, you are not included in this! <3).

I can self sustain fine with stagger, purifying brews and pausing stagger, but that’s only as far as my CDs will let me. I’m unfortunately still depended on the healer to actually be present and not look away during big trash pulls. On bosses however they can do whatever they want. It’s only trash packs that makes me sweat. Squishy when our stagger (and CDs) fails us, sturdy when not! :muscle:

So yes, TL;DR

  1. Monks are chill - NOT actually fine, we desperately NEED buffs!
  2. We have good DPS as Shado-Pan and we’re super fun to play (easy rotation too!) despite our button bloat.
  3. We rely on healers immensely compared to other tanks but we wont fall down in one hit, unlike cough Paladins cough. :wink:
  4. Stagger is life, life is stagger - and so are your brews!
  5. We bring no impactful class buff to the table. :<

All in all, the most fun tank imo, but not the most optimal or best choice. :grimacing: