Stats - and their scaling

Hello, I know that stats are scaling different between levels, so 10 haste on level 30, is buffing far more haste % than 10 haste on level 120.

So hope this makes sense and is not to complicated to understand.
But as far as I know, each stat on each equipment will scale the same, depending on your character level.
So if you need 100 extra in your main stat, then a Flask or Potion with a +100 main stat buff, is the same as finding an equipment that gives +100 in a main stat.
But also, if you take a Weapon with +100 Main stat, and a Trinket or Ring with +100 Main Stat, is all the same with scaling.

Meaning that +100 main stat on a weapon or equipment will give same boost to spell or attack damage as a main stat on a ring or armor.

And a if you need the +100 stat, even if it will be limited in time of course then +100 stat will always scale the same regardless of the source, and regardless of item level also, only decided of character level.

inserts gif of confused woman face with superimposed math formulas

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Couldn’t find that one but this will have to do…



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Yes ?

I can’t see what’s weird or new here

Mr. Professor Sir!!! Can you give an example of where it scales? like a scenario of some kind?

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All stats have the same increase independent of the slot said stat is equipped in.

However some stats scale linearly, other stats have diminishing returns.

As a player I don’t really think diminishing returns should concern you since you won’t feel them that much anyway.

My head, it hurts

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