Statue Dismiss Macro Not Working?

So as the title describes, I’m looking for a macro line that cancels my current active statue, in this case, the Black Ox Statue.

‘/click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton’ is the result the internet came with but it doesn’t seem to work for me not even in a separate macro.

Any help would be appreciated.

I found:

/run if not UnitAffectingCombat("player")then for i=1,4 do n="t"..i CreateFrame("Button",n,UIParent,"SecureUnitButtonTemplate")_G[n]:SetAttribute("type", "destroytotem")_G[n]:SetAttribute("totem-slot",i)end end
/click t1
/click t2
/click t3
/click t4

Seems to work, no idea how.

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Hmm… I tried it but it seems to be not functioning on my end. Currently im having to rely on an Addon to make the aforementioned command work.

Edited the text, should work now. Forum was messing up some characters.

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Oh sweet thanks!

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