Statues outside of Stormwind + Customizations

The statues outside of Stormwind were built to honor the Alliance heroes who were assumed dead when they stepped into the Dark portal and never came back. Later they did.

These Heroes include: Turalyon, Alleria Windrunner, Khadgar, Kurdran Wildhammer, and Danath Trollbane.

With the recent addition to the customizations of Wildhammer and High elf options, the Alliance feels complete again and brings back Warcraft 2 vibes. With the addition to the Night elf customization of leafy hair it brings back Warcraft 3 vibes. It seems the Alliance is going back to the Golden age. Would you agree?

The horde seems to have a similar situation with Mag’har Orcs, Zandalari, and different Trolls tribes. I would argue that all that’s missing is Green Forrest Trolls and Ogres. But personally I can’t see the Ogres being added as they would be their own unique race, not allied.

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Horde? What is this horde?

You mean Republic of Alliance Loving Traitors?
Horde doesn’t exist anymore. Sylvanas took on the guise of a monster to unify Azeroth… at least until we break out of Shadowlands along with hundreds of dead heroes and start the war right back up.

Maybe when we come back from Shadowlands there’ll be some entirely different factions than Horde vs Alliance, and we’ll be able to freely decide who to support, not based on race anymore.

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I dont love the alliance.
I love anduin. Big difference

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Crushing on Manduin’s manly chin is not healthy. Especially since it’s basically Genn Greymane ruling through a puppet king.

I know our love would never work.
For one I’m a Vulpera and hes a human.
But a man can dream yuno

vulpera already exists. there is no going back to the “golden days” no much how they try to sugar coat things.

But I love the Vulpera. If you guys don’t want them, send them over to the Alliance uwu :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Alliance wanted the sexy sneks

Soon as I read statues I onew my expertise in such matters was needed.

Clears throat

Tear em all down and replace them with statues of me looking particularly heroic.

After all. Ive saved Azeroth more times than those people.

You have as well but let’s face it.

People coming into either Stormwind or Orgrimmar want to see something breathtaking and beautiful. I carry both those burdens on my shoulders for all of you so…

Statues of me would be a nice gesture to show Azeroth’s gratitude.

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True true :rofl: I always wondered myself. Slayer of Lich king, Deathwing, Legion, Nzoth, Garosh, and no statue. Rofl

hasn’t stormwind been destroyed twice in like the past 20 years?
They probably gave up on the city

They have made some amazing changes in Stormwind. For one they fixed that ugly hole that deathwing left which makes players fall down by accident into the sea.

sorry I meant the citizens of stormwind.
They probably think why bother building a statue, it will probably be knocked down in a few years time.
They had to fix that whole though, wasn’t only players falling down it… the poor butcher was never seen again… RIP

horde is the 68% blood elf/nightborn/furries who play the ezmode in WOW :wink: what do you mean?

Let’s trade Blood elves and nightborne for worgen and draenei so we can have a proper horde of beastmen and abhumans again!


The Horde needs to kick out the Elves and replace them with Ogres.

Ogres are worth 2 races, especially if they get the option to be 2-headed Ogres.

Finally, the Horde would be worth playing.

Oh, kick out the Undead too. The Horde doesn’t need human-like races, it needs OGRES.

Aren’t Orcs just evolved Ogres? Swear I heard that somewhere.

Pretty sure if they were ever added the double head would just be a customisation option.

It’s heavily implied that Orcs are related to Ogres in a similar way Humans are to Vrykul, and it might’ve been stated outright somewhere, so really they’re degenerate cousins to Ogres.

Presumably they evolved to be smaller and smarter than ogres. By Draenor’s standards anyways.
Then again ogres themselves most likely evolved from Ogrons, Ogrons from Gronns, Gronns from Breakers, and Breakers from Colossi and none of these races were ever known for high intelligence.
Draenor has a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG history. Heck it even evolved intelligent beasts (Arakkoa, Saberon, etc) and even intelligent plant life lol. But the colossus line consistently evolving smaller and smarter, Draenor would’ve most likely eventually give life to some kind of gnome-like race if it wasn’t destroyed.

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So you’re telling me I could be wearing 2 sexy hats instead of just 1?

The main problem i see with ogres is, that the current gear wouldn’t fit them too well, I think. Especially some shoulders would probably look really weird, if you added them to the current ogre model.