The steady flight form for the druid is way slower than any flying mount, which were buffed up to +420% speed. It seems that flight form is still at the old +280% (feels even slower, but it is not written, and I don’t have any addon to time it).
I don’t feel this is intentional, would this be corrected in an upcoming update?
I am not max level, but isn’t that weird that my mount is faster than my flight form? I tried to go to the old Flight master, but they don’t sell competence anymore.
I’m not sure, Druid skills keep changing. Druid travel form has different ranks you attain while leveling, it might be the epic flight form gets a different level than epic riding.
That is my flight form DOES gives me a total of 420% movement speed as indicated earlier, but my mount gives me a total of 530%. That is including the guild perk that gives a 10% bonus speed.
So the mounted is version is faster with steady flight…