Steal the gold!

It’s friday. I have no plans. Neither do you if you’re reading this…

let’s play a game. I’ll start it off:

[Robs the Bank of Stormwind,steals the gold and hides it in Lions Pride Inn.] :smiling_imp:

Goes to Lion’s Pride Inn, nicks the gold and leaves for the Bay, immediately spends it all on drugs and prostitutes.

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nooo u cant do that ur god emoting :cry:

Nuh uh. You’re just jealous that I thought of it first.

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[dies] :pensive:

lol as if the bank of stormwind has any gold in it to steal to begin with

anduin’s spending it all on statues of himself ready for the next inevitable stormwind revamp.

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You knoooow that’s never happening. Blizzard is too lazy. :roll_eyes:

Steals the drugs.

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immediately forgets about them, being cushioned in a pile of hoes.

cringecringecringe stop this

He was an undead so he didn’t die there, He got up and went with the King of Spain to kill elephants in Durotar

Tries to snatch the drugs from Zagkush
You’ll remember this as the day you almost made it away with my merchandise!

As soon as the gold entered Lion’s Pride, it was cursed. Now any who remove it from that place become Goldshirians. Until all the Gold is returned to the Pride, they are cursed to commit only bad RP, and any time they step into moonlight their clothes vanish and they feel an overpowering urge to dance.

Just burn everything and everyone then pick up the singed gold afterwards, what’s all this ‘stealing’ nonsense.

kill jester


How about we just feed the homeless to the homeless?

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But Jingle is our friend…

Yawns and goes take a nap.

The lazy trolls are unable to resist sleep! We made it away! All hail the sewer crime gang!
Theme music plays, credits roll

steals the sun and leaves everyone in darkness as hijack the Exodar and crashland it into another planet whoopsie daisy…

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