In any form of PvP is stealth randomly dropping for absolutely no reason. Happened to my alt like 7 times in a BG, I was raging. Feral charge also randomly made me drop stealth, and just staying in one place dropped it, I was so confused… Is there an item or something opponents can use that makes you drop stealth?
Feral also suffers prolongued combat because of the new hero talents.
The same procs can disrupt your flag caps because for some reason they interrupt them for both sides.
So… yeah.
Also Rake stun sometimes doesnt stun.The animation would go off, the special sound would go off but the stu itself - no.
na it´s the hero talents from some classes
happens every time against demo/destro warlock
It is game breaking because im sure none of this is meant to break stealth.
you’re absolutely right, mr.
Charhound of demo deals an AoE damage on range this breaks stealth - works as intended.
It ain’t just charhound. Don’t reveal the secrets
It’s completely unreasonable this **** is still broken. Specs like Feral and all 3 rogue specs are completely gutted randomly.
Playing some flag control map like AB or Deepwind Gorge and being randomly thrown out of stealth while defending a flag or trying to steal one, is insanely gamebreaking, and absolutely something that can straight up throw the game for you…
At this point if you can’t fix it blizzard, just remove hero talents from the game again. This is not acceptable.
Having stealth is gamebreaking aswell you are given options to use all of your stealth abilities when taken out just use them.
That’s not really how it works. When I think I am chilling in stealth and randomly get popped out for no reason, good players will instantly dot you or stun you so you can’t get your opener.
Having stealth and getting the opener is part of feral and rogues’ strengths. My class is not a whole class when I just randomly get f***'ed like that. Imagine if there was a bug that randomly made all affliction lock’s dots fall off randomly half the time, every time Agony reached 5 stacks. Or if a Frost Mage’s Icy Veins didn’t work but still went on CD every 3rd press. Random stealth breaks happen multiple times, every single BG.
Arguing ‘lmao just use your abilities’ as if it’s acceptable that the game is this broken is nuts
Ye it used to be like this before they gave the ability for rogues to use subterfuge and have such a low cd on dance multiple vanishes/meld.
You are crying because someone has an unfair advantage to your unfair advantage…
The other arguements you brought up are game changing you can simply use the rest of your kit including your stealth abilities when broken out i mean with how easy it is to get access to them im suprised they didnt make stealth a cooldown for rogue say 20 sec cd lasts 8 seconds.
No one likes rogue players anyway so keep doing it <3
No, I am pointing out that the game is broken, and not working as intended.
I get that you don’t like rogues and that’s fine. But then go make your own whine post about how rogues need nerf or something
Arguing that a bug that breaks the game is good just makes you look dumb.
Yes, having stealth is an advantage rogues have. Just like having pets is an advantage UDK has. Like… we can make unconstructive arguments like that at each other all night. But the fact is that it’s UNINTENTIONAL that the game breaks like that. Stop making excuses for such a critical bug. All rational players can agree that rogue is a bit too strong right now, but that these stealth breaks are bad for the game
They can fix it after they nerf rogue oh wait they wont properly nerf eviscerate by 5% or some random ability you aint actually using.
The entire rogue class is completely protected from any meaningful nerfs.
Completely protected from any meaningful nerfs like reducing Vanish CDR from 30 to 10 sec for example?
Meaningful nerfs would be making shadowstep an aimed gapcloser so you’d suffer the same fate as other melees vs frost mage etc.
Removing subterfuge permanently or increasing cheapshot energy cost by 300% so you cant cc an entire team on demand every DR reset.
making cloak of shadows unusable to cap a base with.
Taking a look at garrote silence.
Removing shadowy duel permanently.
Giving vanish a forbearance mechanic after stealth is fixed so its possible to punish rogues.
Removing cheat death.
But these things wont happen because RMP is blizzards favorite child and we cant have RMP not winning AWC every time right?
I mean you are strong even if the bug is in the game if it even is a bug and not some new talent that just works like that stealth finally has a counter i mean lets be honest its not like you are a good player and you are having no problem climbing even with the bug so what is the problem?
It could just be a new mechanic you are going to have to learn to play around atleast i hope it is.
Thanks for exposing yourself for engaging in a full argument about something you don’t even know what is or how works
If you read above there is multiple ways its currently happening including demo pets.
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