In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Steamwheedle Cartel in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Hi all,
Played Aedh. Draenei Shaman and Ignignokt. Night elf Rogue in early BC in the guild Logic. Shout me if anyone plans to play again 
calling in, played nelf druid called vexinar till MoP i guess when i quit. looking forward to classic
Used to be in Steamwheedle Cartel back then mostly. Rogue main named Costas for those who remember me, avid enchanter was crafting for everybody. I was doing all crazy reps around. Easygoing and unlocked all the boxes in the world. Cat and mouse game in pvp bg. Bag crafter for all the guilds I was on. Currently main rogue is renamed Soontir since ages and staying over in Eonar EU. Raided with Knights of Justice, Shards of Broken Crown, Core and others till I left for Eonar to raid after midnight.
Name: Clareh (Shadowspell)
Guild: The People’s Militia, The Dark Embrace (post 2006)
Human warlock rping on SWC since it was made, would love to meet up with any of the old gang. Janner, Eva, Caswan, Iriana, lobar, Gawain, and anyone else from back then!
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Played rogue Cinrae and mage Ditbenik in those days. Was a member of the guild Emerald and Netherlords. Would be great to get back to some of the people back then, to get back to leveling and just have some fun. See you all in a bit!
Hi all!
Tbh, i was to young for vanila guilds, but got in multible
Guilds in TBC. Was very active with RP/PVP/Raiding.
Good old times on, Steamwheedle Cartel. Years later i moved to Silvermoon, as a rogue named Zeronax.
Name: Dalonio
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Guild: Flying Solo.
Vexinar! I still have you in my old Friendslist, seems we played some time together back in the older days!
My main was Brennor, a dwarf hunter. I remember trying to sell Dawn’s Edges in IF a lot. For SIXTY GOLD!
I can’t recall the guild I was in. I remember one character called Althalus, though I don’t think that one exists any more.
yeh we quested and levelled a lot together mainly in tbc if i remember right, soo long ago haha
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Name/s: Roxybaby (Don’t judge, I was 12 and I didn’t pick it XD) then changed to Rhianna (which I imagine is better known for).
Race/Class: Night Elf Hunter
Guild: Can’t remember, but was in Peace Keepers for quite awhile, not sure if that was Vanilla though! I moved to AD around TBC. 
Main person I am looking for is Swifthawk, maybe a í in there. I remember he taught me how to RP which is one of the most memorable bits of my time playing, He was a Night Elf Hunter. I think it was a military guild of some kind, although I don’t remember the name.
Ofc if anyone knows me or recognises me, let me know, I just really can’t remember a lot of names from back then. I also played Israbella, Cadenza, Schuyler (she ran The Silver Covenant for a bit, I think this was before their lore had come out, not related to the one IG though), probably some others but I don’t remember the names tbh. Maybe the more I talk to people I will likely remember the names :>
I do remember being in The Dark Embrace as well, the only name I can remember from there is Sivri and I don’t even know what character I was playing back then!
This post is bringing back more memories as I think about it
WD Blizzard! 
i certainly remember seeing the name roxybaby and rhianna in general and trade chat
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Ahhh Roxx, ye i know you aswell :-).
Our guilds RP’ed ALOT in Stormwind.
Your military guild, worked in some ways together with our guild “The Golden Company”
This is just to cool!, trow me a ingame mail or /w! Ill definitely add you 
Played as Sabotage originally, then got name changed to Holysabo, now just Sabo
Still playing as of today on argent dawn, but will be comming back to classic 100%
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I can only imagine myself being annoying at that age xD So soz if I did bug anyone, the name I remember most in SWC /2 is Cannonball xD!
Nice to see you, is this the name you used back then? And I do remember that guild name vaguely, but just so young a lot of it is a blur!
Haha that blur, we all have i geuss 
Nah, Zero is on Silvermoon :), he never bin on Steamwheedle Cartel.
Back in the day on Steamwheedle Cartel, my main was Dalonio.
But i also played, Madorn(Paladin), and Vernas(Priest), and Galdarian (hunter).
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Hatba - Human rogue
I played on SWC until late WOTLK. Was in (in order): Serenity of Silence, Magna Carta, The Reavers, Nemesis, Resonance, Devotion.
Btw if you you don’t remember your realms, just go to Warcraftrealms and search for your character.