Steelseries WoW Mouse not working after today's update

Playing on a Mac with the latest OS update.

Everything was fine yesterday and the mouse and keys are working fine elsewhere but after todays small update WoW is not recognising any keys other than the main two and the wheel.

On starting WoW I did get a system message asking if I wanted to allow WoW to control my computer via Accessibility so accepted that and it’s in the list.

Toggling the recognise wow mouse option on and off in extended interface options does nothing.

We had this exact same issue on Mac and PC for a while back after launch of 8.0 but it was fixed after a week or two. Now it’ seems you’ve busted it again.

Not sure if it’s the same on the PC again, but there is a post from today on the US Mac Tech forums from a player with the same issue with a wireless wow mouse (mine’s wired).


Im experiencing the same issue, I to am playing on a Mac and after the update I can no longer use my gaming mouse.

Edit: ------
Also if I close wow and reopen it with the mouse disconnected the game tells me that no wow gaming mouse was detected.

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Which version of the Steelseries engine (app) do you use? If you currently use the latest (engine 3), try using Engine 2 instead.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

The Cataclysm / Legendary Steelseries gaming mouse doesn’t use the Steelseries engine. If you install the engine the mouse isn’t recognised.

We went through this same suggested fix in 8.0 and it didn’t work then, the fix being made Blizzard’s end eventually.

I have never used any version of the SteelSeries Engine, the mouse has simply been plug and play for me.

Like Scabbrox has said it’s a fix on blizzards end, not the users.
The mouse was working 24 hours ago.


Exactly, last night I was rolling my monk around with mousebutton 13, now nada, none of the extra buttons work and all that has happened in the meantime is whatever you put into this morning’s patch.

Exactly the same problem. Please fix the problem as soon as possible.

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Any Updates?

Seems not. Last time the issue effected many multi-button mice on both Mac and PC but judging by the silence on the PC side on this and the single post on the US forums it seems the issue is limited this time to use Mac users with discontinued WoW mice.

I’m not really holding my breath on a fix for this with so few effected, the only hope we have I guess is that at least it’s a WoW mouse so maybe, you know, they should actually support a product designed to go with this game?

On the other hand it’s not a current product and no new version is in production so I guess obsolete is obsolete at some point.

Sucks and Mythic Jaina is going to be a even harder without mouse buttons this weekend.

You are aware, I hope, that while it might be sold as a WoW mouse, it’s not actually made by Blizzard, nor are Blizzard responsible for the software behind it.

You will need to take it up with the actual makers, Steelseries.

Im aware that blizzard don’t make the mouse. However this was a mouse designed to work natively with the wow client, its support in game is directly linked to the wow client and not the manufacturers.

Outside of the game you are able to get the mouse to register inputs, so it is working, its just not working with wow.

As myself and Scabbrox have both said, the mouse was working fine 24 hours ago.

This morning I spoke to customer support via live chat, we went through the usual steps to try and resolve it:

  1. Reinstalling wow
  2. Running both the detect script and the enable console command.
  3. installing Mac engines - I was unable (and unwilling) to install the engine 2 due to getting a warning from macOS about damaging my system.

I have since tried the mouse on the PTR and i’m experiencing the same issue. the game knows the mouse exists, but, the extras buttons are not being registered in game.

The person I spoke to today as recommended that we all report this as an in game bug and to do the same on the PTR.

its worth mentioning that I have also tried the work around listed on the US forums, whilst the software they suggest works, it doesn’t allow you to use modifier keys, so you would be strictly limited to using the extras buttons for just 1 key bind.

Adding a link to the previous thread on this issue from 8.0.1 with blue responses at the time.

It’s the exact same issue and if it’s not fixed here and in PTR then 8.2 will land with the issue unfixed.

p.s. Edit: Actually it’s not exactly the same in that one thing is doesn’t do this time is give the “wow mouse not found” error message. It seems detection doesn’t do anything anymore and the CVAR found in previous fixes no longer gives any reply.

pps: I installed this and got them working again. It’s only a work around as once the 30 day trial is up it costs $20, but at least you can get it working again whilst we wait for a fix in 8.2.


I had a look at SteerMouse, I was unable to get it it bind additional buttons, any advice?

Depending on which model of WoW mouse you have it should show up.

To use Steermouse the abilities in game (aside from left, right click and middle mouse) will need to have a keybinding as well. For example, Execute is for me both the ‘5’ key and Button 9 on the mouse.

Open Steermouse in the System Preferences panel.

Click on the ‘device’ tab and then click device analyser; it should find it as a WoW mouse.

After this click ‘buttons’ tab and note that there should be two tiers of buttons, 16 in total. You can access 9-16 by clicking the right hand dot at the bottom of the list.

On my mouse (Cataclysm Edition) the buttons that are active are L,R,M,4,5,6,8,9,10,12 and 13.

Click the button number on the list that you want to bind and select ‘Keyboard Shortcut’ from the pull-down menu.

Press the associated key (e.g. 5). You can also ad any modifier by clicking CMD, alt, shift or ctrl options. Click OK.

Tab to game and test.

You may need to play about with your key numbers if your mouse is a different model, but I was able to replicate my normal set-up.

Hope this helps.

Any updates?

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Can someone officially comment on this issue?


Any chance we could get an update on if this issue has been picked up and is being worked on?

I sent an in-game bug report some time back as well, but it would be good to know it’s being worked on.

There is a similar thread in the US Mac Tech Support forums.


This issue still persists, any chance it will ever get fixed?

After yesterday reset some buttons on STS mouse stop working.
Can u fix it pls?