Steve Danuser's continous ruining of Sylvanas as character, and the lore in general

This man has actively added a dozen layers of plot armor and made senseless choices for Sylvanas that make little to no sense, and his latest change confirmed on his twitter, was changing the part where Sylvanas is insulted in Cataclysm.

Good writers can write from neutral and objective standpoint, even for their favorite characters, unfortunately Steve Danuser is not a good writer. Not only has he ruined Sylvanas by trying to push her at center of attention no matter how logical or illogical her choices and moves were, but ruined the lore as well. The very character he loves, he made a majority hate.

Could we get a writer thatā€™s worthy of writing Warcraft lore, and not a 2 star fanfiction writer?


This guy is just unbelievable.

He lets destroy Sylvanas everything people loved about the game, such as wiping out the Night Elves and basically finishing off the race, killing off Saurfang and much more and just keeps her untouchable and unable to lose forever, gives her 2+ expansions, throws cinematics at her and redeems her.

He even inserted himself into the game to be Sylvanasā€™ boyfriend. 8.1 has proven that not even deities can defeat his self insert, not even in the revenge patch for the Night Elves.

Nathanos is him, Sylvanas is his queen and together they destroy things Danuser doesnā€™t like (Night Elves etc.)

Please give us a lead writer that writes for the players, not just for himself

  • He made Nathanos into an almost literal self-insert so I donā€™t know what that say about him :^)

That was the most absurd part, a night warrior and an archdruid canā€™t defeat Nathanos Blightcaller, who has no real powers. Besides the plot armor power of being Steve Danuserā€™s self-insert.


As the B words are apparently so offensive they canā€™t remain in game, I say heā€™s an A-ish D-k and sheā€™s A-ish C-t. Both are sooo evul for s***s and giggles itā€™s roflworthy. Both have plot armor thicker than Azerothā€™s planetary diameter. A match made in heaven, or rather in someoneā€™s dreams eh? Arenā€™t they the cutest little psycho couple that everyone wants to shoot on sight ever?


What I found funny about that whole situation is that if you donā€™t hop on the bat straight away it despawns leaving you with Tyrande and Malfurion.

That was absurd, yes. They should have vaporised him and the Valks he rode in on without breaking stride.

Not the most absurd thing in the disheartening clown fiesta that was the BfA pre-patch, and continuing meta-story, though.

My nomination for the most ridiculous piece of bad writing was the aftermath of encounter between Malfurion and Sylvanas.

Malfurion has Sylvanas almost defeated. She is pinned down, weak, and at low health. Saurfang comes upon them and hits Malfurion from behind, and immediately exclaims his regret for an instinctive but dishonourable attack.

Sylvanas is the most honourless, selfish, untrustworthy, ruthless character in the game, except maybe for the Old Gods, but she is also brilliant and cunning. And Malfurionā€™s death or defeat is critical to her plan. What does she do? Finish Malfurion off, then bring his head to further demoralise the Night Elves?

No, of course not. She walks away, and tells Saurfang, the most honourable of Orcs, who is already apologising for his treacherous blow, to take his time finishing Malfurion off.

That is too stupid even to make an entry on the Evil Overlord list.

And that is my nominee for the worst writing of the pre-patch.

Having said that, it didnā€™t carry through to the writing for BfA, which I thought in general was OK. I liked the story of the War Campaign. The fractured information from the two sides was an unforced error, but not a fatal one. Most of the zone stories were coherent and relatable. Stormsong didnā€™t work, but Iā€™d have to sit down to work out why; the basic idea was clear and straightforward enough.


Cite your proof that this guy is the sole for this change and the reason why Sylvanas has been written this way. Do it now.

Seems to me that yā€™all would rather look for one scapegoat than accept the fact that this change and her previous characterization was approved by the entire team at Blizz HQ.

And besides, Danuser wasnā€™t even at Blizzard when Edge of Night came out which really was the turning point on Sylvanasā€™ road to ruin.

Steve Danuser really isnā€™t writing a good story, but itā€™s not because of deleting the word ā€œB----ā€ from Garroshā€™s repertoire. Thatā€™s just California being California, but it does feel a bit as if itā€™s the straw that broke the camelā€™s back right about now.

Iā€™m going to be brutal and blunt here: I think his position should be eliminated, and I donā€™t think anyone else should take it, either.vThat doesnā€™t mean he should be fired, though, but that role that heā€™s got right now just shouldnā€™t exist.

WoWā€™s story is written by its world and characters organically. Trying to weave a narrative where every single person goes through the same narrative and every single person is therefore that one particular important heroā€¦ itā€™s just absurd. Itā€™s the same kind of ridiculous BS that made me lose my love for Elder Scrolls Online virtually instantly.

I canā€™t suspend my disbelief when Iā€™ve got 400 people next to be being Azerothā€™s Champion or 100 Lightbringers prancing about or whatever.

Turning Sylvanas into Garrosh 2.0 moments after explicitly promising not to is also not something that impresses me.

As far as Iā€™m concerned we need to look at Classic and tBCā€™s way of storytelling: We form the narrative by our actions between ourselves and each other. Blizzard puts in some stories that can explain some lore and give us some motivation, but ultimately the world is the character, and the world is comprised of us. The original cinematic doesnā€™t feature Ragnaros or any other supervillain for a reason.

Steve is completely missing the point, and he is certainly not capable of providing lore and background in an MMORPG. Or rather, it exists - but itā€™s buried underneath the avalanche that is ā€œthe narrativeā€. The world has lost its colour and texture in the eyes of many because of this, and it isnā€™t even a particularly good story.


Scrolled down the guys twitter feed and it tells you everything you need to know.
Acts and carries himself like an asbolute current-year cringelord, with the sassy tweets to back it up, while being over 50 years oldā€¦ just wow ā€¦ lol.

Also, ofc he hates Trump :sweat_smile: this guy is almost textbook.
Expect more of the same, (and worse), if he continues in his current role.

WoW: Weliveinasocietylands :woozy_face:


He ruined sylvanus and put a self insert into the game, who hired this man???.

As for the night elves, they won the Darwin Award for building their city out of a tree and putting everyone in it.


I mean thatā€™s another example of crazy writing. Trees donā€™t burst into flames even if you throw flaming rocks at them. They need to be dry tinder to truly catch on fire.

And if destroying a world treeis as easy as shooting a catapult from a zone away, why didnā€™t the Burning Legion just load some Infernals on some Meat Wagons and finish the job that way?

Again, he is putting narrative above world building, and itā€™s resulting in total nonsense.


This is why, my friends, you do not let fan fiction writers write canon lore. The point author declares they are fans and start self insertion, it is time to end their contract as their actions would eventually alienate part of fans. Fans need to feel that all their favourite characters are important.

But this guy is from another world. They completely lean towards 2 dimensional favouritism and ignore most other that exists.


the writing is fanfic level.
Iā€™ve never written anything for money in my entire life, but even i know not to self insert myself in my stories ( if not as a secondary comic relief character) and to respect consistency both in the world ( intercontinental catapults that burn up world trees) and between characters ( power level all over the place, and decisions that make no sense from a character pov)
Ignoring these very simple rules, can only bring frustration in those invested in the story, I am surprised any professional writer could make mistakes so big.


Iā€™m going to call him the ā€œBā€ word guys, Iā€™m so sorry I need to. Iā€™m about to do itā€¦ itā€™s coming!!!

Bad writer


Here we go again, this drama is sponsored once again, Argent Dawn

I would start from my personal perspective, I also have a deep fascination with Sylvanas original character, to the point that I chose to come back to wow after finishing custom made campaign for wc3 ( was about belves and forsaken ) and has grown fond of this lovely character turned into the unholy figure against her will yet she overtook her chains and became a freewill champion to some extent.
The fact that she remained in her original delicate physic only strengthen my fascination obviously, cause I am a male.

But the fact that single author turned this unique character into bloody creep like Rey Sue of Failed Wars makes me want to kill her to relief her of this burden :flushed:

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Or when you self insert, make it so that viewers/readers would not know it. This guy has made it however too easy to spot with his own comments,


Meh, elves still chose a tree lmaoo.

All elves need to get the teldrassil treatment.


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