Still a Sylvanas Loyalist

Yeah well my tmog is better than yours.

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Mine beats both of you :innocent::muscle:

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You can argue all you want as long as you agree that i am obviously the best looking one around here.

Also modest, yeaā€¦quite modest indeed.

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Actually not wanting to let anyone down butā€¦ if weā€™re all gonna vote which personā€™s outfit we like best in this thread, my vote is for LiƤra :sparkles::sweat_smile:


You can always join us at the alliance if you wish, we have :cookie: here :smile::kissing_heart:. Blood elf heritage armor is one of the best in the game and both red & gold combination of colors fit to the belves perfectly. The nightborne one is also nice but it fits only to the casters.

I think how if you would want to go for the loyalist style how maybe the black armor would fit good for that especially since you are a warrior.


Darling if your desperate to be Lightforged, speak to the Lightforged Draenei. :woman_shrugging::innocent:


That was an option, butā€“
Already wearing black for my Dark Ranger character :black_flag:
That and I wanted the transmog to match with the tabard and cloak of Undercity :yum:

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I guess its a bit of a personality trait, contradiction. Something I like to reflect on my char, on top of that it looks hawt kinda. Literally.

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Iā€™m afraid of Liara trying to attach a tail on me.

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To you, are you sure, without the course of the cleansing to which you would need to go through to get into an good condition Iā€™m not sure that you wouldnā€™t want to bite me :wink:

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I do love my basic bish Belf mog on my Disco Priest. Especially with waist of time and MT artifact skin. Kyrian wings in Shadowlands gonna fit this set just perfect dayum.

But yeah I agree, Liara does have the best Draenei Priest mog Ive seen so far.

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Iā€™m not into girls but Liadrin is the perfect girl ever :orange_heart: She and Sylvanas are the Queens of my heart :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Same ! Im a boy im more into Nathanos haha


Not sure if i should like or report your post.


Yeah Id turn straight for Sylvanas lolol. And no, not Nathanos 2.0 just no. Im taking LorThemar though.

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I am hurtā€¦


Youll have to step up ur game to beat my mog :wink:

This is a thread about Sylvanas loyalist that has brought together Horde and Alliance members that are having a friendly chat and getting a long well.

The power of the Banshee Queen.


Im so hurt too, my feelings omg.

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Like ofc, what would I do without your teasing :joy_cat:, if you wanna play than we shall play that game :wink:, if you pursuit the fire than the fire might hit you back :smile: