Still a Sylvanas Loyalist

We were writing the same thing at the same time. :joy:
Great minds think alike.


Lol this is proof of the dumb words her haters write so confidently, while this thread was supposed to just be a “ I stand with her too” type of thread, I mean look at the 79 likes from 79 different people on the first post, just because people are silent or not on the forums does not mean Sylvanas does not have supporters!

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Garrosh knew that she was a *****, so there is no reason to like her for Gorem, a member of the true Horde.

I already realized the circle jerk here before I post the first message, so yea surely there are :smiley:

She just kills everybody to avoid her inevitable fate, according to lore all she cares is herself and her motives. How can you trust her words? She would still burn Teldrassil within the alive children inside it even if Malfurion got killed. This is her character, she just does.

Treacherous Banshee is what she is called let me remind you dear circle jerk team…

Bye bye, see you in 10.0.

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Bro, you literally entered viper’s nest, why would someone be that insane?


Sylvanas loyalists safe haven !


I’ve my antidote don’t worry.


You can call any group of people who agree with each other “circle jerkers” instead of providing counter arguments that aren’t the same one over and over again. It’s just so easy.


She is Garrosh 2.0 with the only twist of having (boob) plot armor.
The only difference between them is she just flew away in a cinematic, and is serving some shady dudu instead of trying to controll old god heart.

You have no argument, you are just biased and considering recent developments related to Marysue Lady, we will farm her in Shadowlands. I will come here to post when that day comes, please keep this thread alive for 1 more year.

Don’t compare Garrosh to this *****. Garrosh was obviously MUCH better!

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She might have, she might not have. That’s why I said very arguable, we don’t and won’t know for sure. But what we do know, is that Saurfang bottled it :smiley:

That’s an insult to the queen.

What plot armor, her 3 deaths, the suffering she has gone through to the point she probably went a bit insane?
And hey, that’s a bit sexist comment over there, the boob part.

She’s not serving, they are partners. A queen serves no one.


/cackle :sunglasses:


I see the Sylvanas hate squad travels in packs.


We just equalize the terms instead of 1v5.

That’s rich.

You don’t even know what a Mary Sue is if you call Sylvanas one.

Y’all said the same thing about BfA.

Lol, ok. If you’re this passionate about it. :rofl:


This thread was only meant for a “yes im a loyalist” your Sylvanas hate is welcomed, but just once, continuing negativity on a thread you know obviously by the title what it is, just speaks to your mindset …


What’s sexist on having boobs?