Actually no, I think since one of them said “Auntie Sylvanas is evil” they should grow up, and then say to their Mom , their Auntie was right , and side with her
Auntie Sylvanas XD, I wonder if they have ever met aunty Sylvanas.
I want them too !
Auntie Sylvanas is only evil with the ones she finds sticking their hand in the plague cookie jar.
Ive read some of her writing that involves death (non-warcraft) , I quite liked it and showed she is capable of writing a character like Sylvanas. I really hope she will do Sylvanas right, if she is the one to pull the strings. I think another guy wrote Sylvanas though, I wonder who exactly calls the shots when it comes down to story development.
I liked your post because I wanted to like your post not because I want Golden writing Sylvanas.
Did a lil digging, I thought I had read this before somewhere. But Alex Afrasiabi did mention in an interview he has been working on Sylvanas since 2006, at the time he said she was behind Wrathgate. I dont think Christie Golden gets to make such big story development decisions, she just does the writing I guess. But thnx for the like, hopefully trust 3 like Bubbletea soon lol.
Lol Kaisena ur on Draenor too
I’m in my mighty one person guild with the best member.
Yours truly.
At least I must skip a certain part of the game when I level my horde character. Otherwise I might go enrage in the forums again.
That is true, it’s easy enough to skip certain parts of the game if they upset.
I have a friend who hates spiders so much, she can’t even face them in game. Avoids any zones or parts of zones with them in.
She must love getting Azjol Nerub in random dungeon que then.
Pretty sure you can’t play through that again.
The War of Thorns was just there for the pre-patch.
Wow graphics / art style are too cartoony for anything to be disturbing.
I think The Mad Merchant might have a mount of her liking
Lol I have my own guild too, but I have all my alts in there. “Wrath of the Lich Queens”
Oh lmao I would just love to see Sylvanas interact with Vereesas kids, I really wonder how Sylvanas would respond if one of them would ask her “Auntie Sylvanas, are you really Evil?”.
After all they look like scourge, no one would even notice them being alive if theyd visit Undercity.
If the initial plan was to kill Vereesa anyway, without Vereesa knowing, she surely mustve thought of those kids. Undead or alive, I dont believe Vereesa wouldve left them behind.
You are one nasty goblin Shari.
Just a tad xD
This is just torture, I wish Blizz would handle one chapter per expansion. It feels like we have to wait multiple expansions to even find out what that deal with Helya was about. They should uncover such things within the same expansion imo, not tease things theyre planning on revealing years later. Its too long.
I do think that Helya is the 9th Valkyr. Since only 1 Valkyr is unknown, Sylvanas made a bargain with Helya and Helya was the first Valkyr (ever). Cant think of any other reason for there only being 1 unknown valkyr at this point. Omgggg, I wish I could hibernate and wake up when everything is getting revealed.