Still attacked even with WM off

So i went to The Underrot with a friend to do a key, and while trying to summon out party members we somehow kept getting stunned, making it impossible for us to summon them. After a while a rogue appeared having a yellow nametag, no the Orange one you normally see on horde while having WM off, and he just starter attacking us but we couldnt hit back.
Is this a bug or cheating or did we miss something?

You sure you didn’t have PvP activity on? That’s still possible, even with WM off.

I have’t turned WM on since the quest was taken away(yes i know im one of ‘those’) and this has bever happend before and my friend hates pvp so hasnt had WM on since bfa lunch so i dont think that can be the case

I had once that problem with mine lock , I turn off and still I was attacked by Alliance. I think it was bug.

If you have PVP enabled (not war mode) then all players that have PVP enabled can attack you even with war mode off. Also, if you have been hit by opposite faction guards then you are automatically marked for PVP for 5 minutes.


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