Still can't do damage as mage, help!


This mage is only 446, which I know is low but I know what kind of damage I ‘should’ be doing.

As fire I for real do ~50k+ dps and frost around 80k.
I know fire is a S spec right now and I also know they have a special rotation to actually do damage.

But I can’t seem to work it out, I’ve loved mage since back in vanilla but this is the first time I have issues doing damage in m+, my damage is just the lowest in every dungeon, even if the other have the same ilvl.

How can I start doing damage as fire?

Thanks in advance.

Fire isn’t S tier because it does a lot of dmg on the overall meter. It’s ST isn’t great and stats and talents are important. Check out

Edit: correct address now sorry

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I can’t even answer your comment with the fake website you posted.
But what makes fire S?

Survivability being insane + damage on prio targets that also does damage on aoe (the 3rd highest dps spec in the game in m+ atm) + mobility + utility and it brings Blood Lust.

Also it would take you literally 1 google search to find that is the correct one.
looks like a good webpage that i did not know about before now nice to know.

If you focus on damage, a few things to consider

1- fire mage is not S tier by any means
2 - forget playing fire until you got the right trinkets and loads of haste and crit, some vers
3- easier to be competitive at frost since it’s easy to reach shatter cap either with native gear or flask

Fire is considered « S » for high keys, damage wise, even though its damage is average, mostly due to its high CD uptime when people are routing dungeons and playing around its CDs. However if you lose your SKB before real combustion is up good luck doing tank damage

The real reasons why fire mage is brought :

1- choice between complete immunity or 60 % DR with full heal
2- int buffs the healer and there’s usually another caster in the comp. Int also double dips for Aug evoker
3- most broken ability in the game - alter time. Full heal and free movement
4 - cheat death for fire
5- personal barrier every 30 seconds or so and mass barrier every 1mn40 ish
6 - greater invis, another 60 % DR, reset, skip and aggro drop potential
7- mirror image, another DR
8- lust
9- ability to negate affixes and difficult part of dungeons with blink, dispels, sheep

Every day I pray to Shiva the good death that blizzard does not need our kit, because we would need a lot of damage to compensate

It all makes sense, so if dps is my only desire, fire mage is not the way to go?

If all you want to do is pump big numbers and you don’t care about anything else, BM hunter (ranged) or havoc DH (melee) are probably your best bets.

Both of them are my best geared chars right now, I do like Havoc but I quit playing BM(hunter overall) right now, I just think BM is too boring.

Well, mage is interesting. More challenging than either of those, though.

Some ther good specs rn are sub/outlaw, ret, spriest

Remember to take any info from any online guides with the grain of salt. For M+ runs, fire “considered” to by a “S spec” by “pro-gamers” because flamestrike is soft capped at 20 targets, so you can make those insane pulls, when tank pulling half the dunge, you pop all cds, SP boost you with PI and you just melt everything in one go. But in reality, you need to be in the same keys range as the “pro-gamers” (at very least 23+) to really get ahead of rets and dh on big pulls.

Also your dps on retail is hard tied to your ivl, and yours trinkets, flask/pots. But also to the when, you use your CD. This season i played Fire, i get mine keymaster/curve, so…

  1. For m+ you want play in flamestrike/flamepatch/sunking build. Ideally tank should keep mobs inside of your flamepatch to max out your dps.
  2. As for rotation in AoE - it is the same as single target, you just replacing instant pyroblast with instant flamestrike.
  3. Use trinkets and pots on big pulls = 40% of your damage.

“Pro-gamers” don’t play flamestrike bro

They do, tho.